On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 at 04:28:31PM +0200, M. Fioretti wrote:

> BTW, since I'm getting offlist questions about this: in case you were
> thinking "what you want is the FreedomBox", NO, what I'm talking about
> is NOT the FreedomBox. What I'm suggesting is compatible with the
> FreedomBox, but it's something else, much more concrete. See the
> details in the comments to that same post.

Your model of what FBX is trying to achieve is faulty.

I suggest you connect with the community at 
and see how you can contribute.

As to much more concrete, there's the 0.1 image out


I am pleased to announce our first FreedomBox software release. The FreedomBox 
0.1 image is available here (.torrent) (sha512sum: 

This 0.1 version is primarily a developer release, which means that it focuses 
on architecture and infrastructure rather than finish work. The exception to 
this is privoxy-freedombox, the web proxy discussed in previous updates, which 
people can begin using right now to make their web browsing more secure and 
private and which will very soon be available on non-FreedomBox systems. More 
information on that tool at the end of this post.

What have we accomplished? This first release completes a number of important 
milestones for the project.

Full hardware support in Debian A big part of the vision for the FreedomBox 
project revolves around the "Boxs", tiny plug servers that are capable of 
running full size computing loads cheaply and with little use of electricity. 
In many respects these are wireless routers given the brains of a smart phone. 
If you want to change the software on a router or smart phone today you 
normally need to worry about bootloader images, custom roms, and a whole 
collection of specialized build and install tools. We wanted to the FreedomBox 
to move beyond this fragmented environment and, with the help of some embedded 
device experts, we have managed to make our development hardware into a fully 
supported Debian platform. That means that anyone with a device can install 
Debian on it just like a laptop or desktop computer. This support is very 
important for ensuring that the work we do on the FreedomBox is as portable and 
reusable as possible.

Basic software tools selected There is a lot of great free software out there 
to choose from and we put a lot of thought into which elements would be 
included in our basic tool kit. This includes the user interface system 
"plinth" that I outlined in a recent kickstarter update as well as basic 
cryptography tools like gpg and a one named "monkeysphere" that leverages gpg 
as an authentication tool. All of these are now bundled together and installed 
on the release image. This common working environment will simplify development 
going forward.

Box-to-box communication design Some goals of the FreedomBox can be 
accomplished with one user and one FreedomBox but many, like helping someone 
route around repressive government firewalls, will require groups of people and 
groups of boxes working together. One of our greatest architectural challenges 
has been finding a way for boxes to communicate securely without so slowing 
down or breaking network access as to make the system unpleasant to use. We 
have now outlined and built the first version of our proposed solution: 
Freedom-buddy. Freedom-buddy uses the world class TOR network so that boxes can 
find each other regardless of location or restrictive firewall and then allows 
the boxes to negotiate secure direct connections to each other for actually 
sending large or time sensitive data. We believe this blended approach will be 
most effective at improving the security and usability of personal-server 
communications and all the services we plan to build into those servers.

Web cleaning Our first service, a piece of software you can use today to start 
making your web browsing more secure and private, is called 
"privoxy-freedombox". This software combines the functionality of the Adblock 
Plus ad blocker, the Easy Privacy filtering list, and the (HTTPS 
Everywhere](https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere) website redirection plugin 
into a single piece of software to run on your FreedomBox. Combining these 
different plugins into software for your FreedomBox means that you can use them 
with almost any browser or mobile device using a standard web proxy connection. 
Because of our focus on building the FreedomBox as part of Debian this software 
will soon be available to anyone running a Debian system regardless of whether 
you are using our target DreamPlug hardware, a laptop, or a large rack server 
somewhere. As you read this packages should already be available in the 
Raspbian repositories, which is the optimized version of Debian used on the 
Raspberry P
 i hardware. Hopefully we will get that onto the main Debian mirrors over the 
next month; if you are interested in building it for yourself in the meantime, 
the source is available from gitorious. As we build additional components for 
the FreedomBox we will continue to work on making them widely available.

What is next? As you may have seen, our Project Lead, Bdale Garbee, is about to 
begin a well earned early retirement from his long time role as Open Source & 
Linux Chief Technologist at Hewlett-Packard. Over the coming month Bdale and 
the rest of the Foundation team will be putting together plans for the next 
stage of FreedomBox development and the road to a 1.0 release. News and updates 
will follow at freedomboxfoundation.org (rss).
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