--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Jay P. Hailey"
> > When an Iran
> > wants a nuke, the question that has to be asked is
> "Why?".
> Let's do the math on this -
> Iraq, Iran and N Korea on "Axis of Evil" List.
> Iraq has no WMDs, but has oil,  gets attacked.
> N. Korea has no oil but possibly nukes - Not attacked.
> Hmmmm.  Doesn't look too much like rocket science to
> me -
> Pakistan - has Nukes  Not attacked.
> Even Morrrreeee suggestive.  Afghanistan - No Nukes. 
> Has a proposed
> pipeline path - GETS ATTACKED.
> Well sheesh.
> Let's look at this a little further
> Israel - has US Jets and Choppers.  Has nukes.  Hates
> Muslims.
> Palestinians, no nukes - screwed out of their country
> and ignored at the
> peace table.
> Lebanese. No Nukes - attacked and bombed severely.
> Hmmmmm!!!!
> So if Israel hates me, and America Lusts for my oil,
> having a nuke seems to
> increase the odds I don't get attacked.
> I think the WHY of Iran wanting a Nuke is as plain as
> the nose on my face.
> It renders one Regime Change Resistant
> The thing that fills me with curiousity is why A.Q.
> Khan hasn't sold Iran
> the technology yet.
> -----
> In any case - History is not a one sided story of
> Arabs and Muslims being
> fiends and evil.  And anyone who wants to sell you
> that narrative does not
> have your best interests at heart and may even ask you
> for cash donations to
> "Continue the fight against the evil aliens"
> Fear is a tool to make a population pliant. Fear if
> the Arab, Fear of the
> Muslim is a political tool.  Who's tool?  What do they
> gain?
> Jay ~Meow!~

Thanks Jay!

Fear is it, and Cowardice. 

Those two can motivate people who have been lied to repeatedly about
false reasons for numerous wars in the past to forget it all and do
nothing about a current war brought under false pretenses.

They can blind people to their own actions as a group. 

They can cause a Doctor of Physics to ignore the fact that it takes 10
to 100 times the energy input that gravity provides in the building
mass to vaporise all the concrete in the 3 WTC collapses that resulted
in 80% of the concrete dissolving into a range of 10 to 100 microns
particulate size. Impossible in a gravity driven collapse. Gravel,
sand and fines larger than 100 microns would predominate in a gravity
driven collapse.

They can cause a structural engineer to look the other way when 3
buildings injured asymetricly all collapse in perfect symetry.

They can cause a general to look the other way and order his troops to
battle without evidence the country attacked did anything to earn the
 wrath of an army whose men had blood in their eyes.   

They can cause Media people to fail to ask common sense questions.

They can make the vile politicians more bold, passing terrorist laws
that are really aimed at the populace, in order to concentrate more
power or even consolidate nations via force or threat moving towards a
greater empire where a man has even less of a voice. If any.

Fear and Cowardice are the real enemy. For too few want to go past
that wall, to peer what may lie around the other side. 

People can be provided with a path around the wall with illumined
messages like "The Wizard of Oz" "The Matrix" or "Zardoz" or even
accurate documentaries like "Terror Storm"

It remains to be seen if The People can get around that corner, where
the answers as to what is really at work exists. 

Providing them with the precious info in order to make changes and
restore Self Respect and Empowerment that leads to Peace and Tranquility.

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