Mr. Laird:

You wrote:

>Once again! I'll have to take some additional time tomorrow and study this
in greater detail, as I am simply exhausted after a marathon 80+ hour week
of work. However, this is fascinating! I promise to return later. 

Please don't return back if your purpose is only to further subvert libertarian 
dialogue with religious bigotry and nonsense such as the China Doll crap you 
posted earlier.  There are better sources or venues you can spam on than a 
Libertarian group which, as it appears, after my long absence, has become 
nothing more than a spam ground for religious zealots and other extremists that 
detract from what this group once was.

I have to appeal to Frank here whether or not he will allow this crap from you, 
and others to continue.

Don't get me wrong here people.  Take a lot at what is current going on in 
other Libertarian newsgroups, such as alt.politics.libertarian.  Another group 
people is talk.politics.libertarian.

BOTH GROUPS have been taken over entirely by zionist jewish groups promoting 
Hanikka!  Check them out before you blast me back, please!

Mr. Laird is doing that right now here on libnw, talking about religious 
history and bigotry-oriented crap about Christmas.

I don't know where Frank is, but I'm going away soon now unless I hear 
something from him in the immeidate future.

Dr. E. Douglas Sheets

* Philosopher * Teller of tales * Man with all the right answers * Deep sea 
diver * 

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