Good morning, everyone...

Well, look what the dogs dragged in! 

Dr. E. Douglas Sheets wrote:

> Please don't return back if your purpose is only to further subvert
> libertarian dialogue with religious bigotry and nonsense such as the China
> Doll crap you posted earlier.  There are better sources or venues you can
> spam on than a Libertarian group which, as it appears, after my long
> absence, has become nothing more than a spam ground for religious zealots
> and other extremists that detract from what this group once was.
> I have to appeal to Frank here whether or not he will allow this crap from
> you, and others to continue.
> Don't get me wrong here people.  Take a lot at what is current going on in
> other Libertarian newsgroups, such as alt.politics.libertarian.  Another
> group people is talk.politics.libertarian.
> BOTH GROUPS have been taken over entirely by zionist jewish groups
> promoting Hanikka!  Check them out before you blast me back, please!
> Mr. Laird is doing that right now here on libnw, talking about religious
> history and bigotry-oriented crap about Christmas.
> I don't know where Frank is, but I'm going away soon now unless I hear
> something from him in the immeidate future.

Please do go away. SOON. 

1. Having far more access to such network and Internet resources than I
had at my disposal during our encounters of the past, I am fully aware
that you, sir, are a FRAUD. There is no such personage as a Dr. E. Douglas
Sheets, never has been. Unless you can produce any kind of evidence that
would substantiate your claim to possessing a doctorate degree, I will
take action on the basis that you are perpetuating a fraud, and take
appropriate action on that basis. 

2. The very least I would expect of any, let alone someone purportedly
possesses a doctorate or other advanced college degree, is to know how to
spell the word Hanukkah properly. It demeans your purported intellectual
capability when you fail to use a spell checker in your so-called
intellectual diatribes. It makes you appear intellectually lazy,
ineffective and churlish.

3. Several days have passed since I posted the introduction to my
selection of Christmas stories, all of which are cross-posted from various
other newsgroups I control and administer. I am certain if Frank were as
deeply offended by them, as you suggest, he certainly would have dropped
me a note and requested I NOT post the stories. Until I hear from Frank,
either publicly or privately, I will persist in what has been nearly a
decade-old tradition. 

I would also presume that in your vast preponderance of knowledge, all of
which you obviously expect me or others to accept tacitly, without proof
of substance, that you would have us forget that in 2002, which is the
last time you posted to Liberty Northwest, you gave every indication that
you wanted to assume authority over spk.liberty_nw. You were reminded at
that time, that Frank Reichert and Bill Anderson are in charge of this
Internet resource. Nothing has changed. You can neither dictate nor assume
ANY control over what it is, nor can you dictate terms. 

Per the written Rules and Policies of Liberty Northwest:

Although we are a Libertarian-oriented conference, we welcome all
participants. However the topic is "libertarianism" and the Moderator
reserves the right to limit and restrict discussions that fail to
meet this criteria. The Moderator will at all times set overall
policy. Participants disagreeing with the Moderator are directed
to submit such disagreements to the Moderator via NETMAIL, or
private email, not publicly on the Liberty Northwest Conference
and Newsgroup.

Take your discussion to e-mail with Frank or Bill, Mr. Sheets. Follow the
rules that you would have me obey, but please remember you cannot dictate
terms no more than I can. 

The Used Kharma Lot
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