Good evening again, Robert!

Robert Goodman wrote to Frank Reichert...

I previously wrote:
> >The discussions here revolving around Christmas IS on topic,
> >certainly for the most part, excepting Robert Goodman's
> >accusation that I have used the occassion for proslytising, which
> >I contend honestly, I have not, or at least have not intended to
> >do.

To which, you replied:
> But it seemed that way when you kept posting it annually.  I liked the
> Ramblin' Gamblin' Willie stories we used to get on Libernet...

Wasn't aware of that, although I likely just passed over it all
as simply irrelevant, at least to me, at that time.

Well, Christmas is an annual event, is it not?  The history of
Western Civilization, including both North and South America, is
indeed largely concurrent with 'Christian history' in such a way,
that only until quite recently in history is that emphasis
shifting somewhat. However, I wish to stress here that Christmas
is a product of BOTH secular and Christian history, which was
largely seen as a whole, again until very recent times.

Some of the most recent discussions here this past week in fact,
originated by Dave Laird, bring that Christmas message into a
'matter of fact' existence in everyday American life.

My intent, as it has been now for over a decade, is to bring the
'real Christmas message' home to roost in such a way that
individuals can at least identify with the origin of the holiday,
and its impact upon our society, politics and government, and

I understand full well that SOME Libertarians indeed wish to
ignore this history, and forget that it ever occurred, or at
least minimize its practical influence on the way we ought to
approach the future in a political context.  I personally find it
difficult to differentiate such history in any context, including
that which currently comprises 1/3rd of the planet, that is the
Islamic world.

The above is germane, in that some of the Libertarian Platform
doesn't take into account the reality that religion has and is
playing in the context of recent contingencies in history to the
present time. One of the planks of the Libertarian Platform deals
with the 'open borders' issue!  That suggests at least to me,
that the LP in general supports the opening of unrestricted
borders and probably the elimination of political geographical
territorial control.

Such could be considered only in some far fetched utopian context
in which religion, political ideologies, and social differences
are forgotten!  Well, the reality is, 9/11 proved pretty much
that such issues would invite disaster if truly implemented
today!  Or, probably tomorrow, if not forever!  

We don't live now, and I doubt human kind will ever reach a
utopian reality in which humanity will live in perfect
ideological and social harmony.  Such differences almost always
invite friction, and if not defended, open-ended violence against
a society would be the end result.

Such a ridiculous platform statement totally ignores history, and
the propensity of human nature in such things as greed, abuse of
power, and theft, and all kinds of things present not only in
today's world, but the entire history of the human race.  As long
as that human condition prevails in human nature, open borders is
never going to be considered to become a realistic practical
option for this country, and probably most other countries,
although Europe seems to be find a way to largely erase borders,
and only time will tell if that ultimately will become workable.
In other words, given the two-thousand plus years of European
history, the European Union is only a small scratch on the
surface of such history.

Also, the open borders thing in Europe is creating new issues,
not only in terms of legal wrangling with laws on the books in
various member states, but with religious growth of islamic
immigration in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and other member
states.  There is also an apparent growth of neo-fascism growing
in France and Germany (perhaps also in the Netherlands) in very
recent times as a result of a growing and sizable muslim
community.  And then, there is desecration of Jewish institutions
in France of recent note, likely by muslim fundamentalists, and
the backlash to all of this may become a growing trend depending
upon the outcome of America's new emphasis upon occupation of
islamic states and our growing propensity to invoke military
force for regime changes is such states.

I didn't regress like this for no reason at all.  I did so only
to point out that in the West, generally speaking we have
historically been the product of Christianity, in which Christmas
is an annual tradition. As such, I believe the Christmas story
points to real liberty.  A lot of the vestiges of that history
are still very alive and well within the western world. For what
it's worth, the tension in the mid-East today is part and parcel
of that historical reality, and that seems to occupy a large part
of our everyday thinking these days.

Another thing, although again, I do not intend to use this as a
basis for others to insist that the 'story' posted annually is an
effort to proselytize anyone, but we cannot intend to build a
political party that divorces itself from the cultural
orientation of the society in which we wish to function.  In
saying this, if Libertarian idealism is to be realized in any
culture, in any society, in any such setting, it must adapt
itself to that culture or it will simply be irrelevant.

In that sense alone, Libertarianism must become much more
eclectic than it has been.  We must find ways of displaying a
Libertarian character based upon principle that can be applied in
various cultural settings and in different ways.  On practical
matters, I doubt totally open borders will ever be achieved
outside of an absolute world dictatorship, such as the United
Nations, and in such a case, that would become a far cry from

So, I suspect that you are really offering a 'reactionary'
adjunct to the 'Christmas story' evening showing up at all. 
Perhaps you don't like Christianity and have no use for it.  At
the same time, millions of others relate to it in a very close
fashion, and in this sense, the message isn't proselytizing in
nature, but a story that many people around this planet still
believe is true and sacred.  It is the story in which America's
most favourite holiday originated!  That story won't disappear,
and based upon my observations again this year, Christmas in
America isn't likely to disappear either any time soon!

Kindest regards,

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