> Please don't return back if your purpose is only to further subvert 
> libertarian dialogue with religious bigotry and nonsense such as the China 
> Doll crap you posted earlier.

OH!  *THAT* Douglas Sheets!  I was wondering where the name was familiar 

Mr. Sheet's like it not many libertarians are based on religion.  You still 
have a delete key? Take yourself some personal responsibility instead of 
appealing to frank Reichert's Authority (Like a good libertarian)

Snerk.  Wowzers. There's a blast from the past

Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
MSNIM - jayphailey ;
AIM -jayphailey03;
ICQ - 37959005

...we have similar tastes in diet, raw, bloody, and screaming. - GarryS 

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