Yes Robert,

You are correct that the rank-and-file is unhappy about the growing size of
government and some of the reasons for the bloat.  But I suspect that there
was a similar discontent regarding FDR's flip but that some Dems at that
time stayed with FDR out of party loyalty.  There could be some of the same
dynamic occurring with the Reps now.  The other thing that bothers me is
that it seems there's been quite a bit more "log rolling" than was

All the same, you make some good points.

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

Robert Goodman wrote:
> "Lowell C. Savage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:
> >I had thought for some time that the two "sides" were always
> >shifting--particularly when viewed in terms of party labels.  You had
> >big-government Republicans in the 1920s and small-government Democrats
> until
> >after 1932 election when Roosevelt went from running as a small-
> government
> >guy to governing as an even bigger-government guy.  The Republicans, by
> >contrast morphed into small-government types until now when it appears
> that
> >Republicans are even bigger government types than the Democrats were.
> I think the appearance is deceptive.  I think there's a temporary
> discrepancy between the Republican rank-and-file and their elected
> representatives, especially in fedgov, and that this has been caused by a
> few factors that've happened to arrive at the same time.
> One of those factors is the Terror, which has engendered sympathetic
> spending and a larger security apparatus.
> Another factor was the desire of the Bush Jr. White House to vindicate
> Bush
> Sr. on Iraq (and indirectly further vilify Clinton).
> A third factor was the need to roll logs with Democrats to accomplish
> certain things the Republicans had wanted to do for some time, but had
> been
> prevented from doing by lack of votes.  The price has been increased
> spending.
> So if you poll Republicans, they'll have certain things to be satisfied by
> by their representatives, but they're still for smaller gov't than those
> reps have been giving them lately.  That situation will not remain
> forever;
> in particular, I don't think it'll outlast the Bush presidency.
> In Your Sly Tribe,
> Robert

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