"Lack of plan hurt Katrina-hit states' response"


Here's the paragraph that most applies to the conversation we've been

"If we weren't prepared, and we didn't do our part, no amount of work by
FEMA could overcome the lack of preparation," he [FL gov. Jeb Bush] said.
Natural Hazards Center director Kathleen Tierney agreed, ...."

Then, there's this:


It contains plenty of criticism of FEMA (probably most of it well-deserved),
but also mentions that Bush and FEMA were "reluctant" to take the lead role.
Well, is that the full and honest truth or is that spin?  Especially given
the laws that Frank and Bill have looked up.

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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