Good evening again, Doug!

WOW! This is a good as it gets folks. Frank Reichert actually discussing real
issues again on Liberty Northwest with Douglas Friedman.  This is indeed a
real pleasure to be sure.

Douglas Friedman wrote to Frank Reichert...

> I have to wonder whether it is reasonable to believe anything any politician

> says, other than, "I will raise your taxes" or "I will expand the power of 
> the state." Pennsylvania has a GOP dominated legislature that is talking 
> about cutting taxes back to where they were when the GOP-dominated 
> legislature raised them - at Dem. Gov. Rendell's request. People seem to 
> routinely spend whole careers as conservatives, only to switch to liberal 
> once they leave office, after a career of acting half conservative, half 
> liberal (especially on spending). Obviously they felt they had to talk like

> conservatives to win, but clearly they didn't believe what they said. I 
> don't believe these "road to Damascus" conversions happen very often, 
> certainly not as often as they appear to.

You certainly hit the mark 'dead on', so to speak, as life exists today in
Idaho as well.  We are almost entirely dominated by the GOP, and have been
since the so-called GOP 'Contract with America' campaign of more than a decade
ago was supposed to change a lot of things.

We have exactly THREE local regional State Legislators here, all in the GOP,
that need to be replaced immediately.  Problem is, how?  Large corporate money
follows them around like flies on dogshit.  During the last campaign (2004), a
record Democrat spent over $60,000 for the race in which no incumbent was
present.  I was in that race, running as a Libertarian candidate.

For the life in me, I cannot explain how the Democrat who spent over $60M
mattered very much, insofar as the GOP candidate, who often sounded exactly
like me on the issues, and spent only a paultry $35M was any different at all!
 By the way, my campaign only spent a little over $1M!

You are right on target here with a lot of things.  Mostly, it doesn't
honestly matter when politicians run for office when the expediency of knowing
that they live in a largely Democrat or Republican State.  For those seriously
wishing to win a race, they most likely will shift at a moments notice to the
Party that would most likely win, and spend a lot of corporate big bucks in
doing so.

Forget about the so-called 'Libertarian Card'.  Truth is:

The interesting thing about all of this delusion is that in Hawaii, you simply
cannot win on a GOP ticket.   In Idaho, mostly, you cannot win UNLESS you are
somehow beholden and find your way onto the GOP ticket.  So, what do you
really have here?  You have mindless aggressive politicians who play the
corporate card, and find your way onto a winning ticket that most likely has a
chance to win.


Do you want to win a race?  Run the populist, not the ideological route, and
appeal to the greed and and plunder of the Democratic mob.  That's usually
most always a sure thing.

Kindest regards,

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