Frank Reichert wrote to Robert Goodman:

I suspect that I am used to 'lying' coming from both the GOP and Democratic Party candidates. I've virtually, *I THINK*, seen it all, or I suspect I've seen the most of it anyway. The thing that I have long admired by real Libertarian Party candidates, is that they usually tell it like it is, and in large measure, really mean what they say. Although sometimes I might disagree with some of them, particularly on right to life issues, and probably security on our borders. I've been pretty outspoken on both issues on this forum for a long time, so no one should be surprised. However, overall, LP candidates seem to have a rather clear message, and might tend to go in such a direction of elected.

Well, the Red Sox and White Sox have both won World Series, and once again in consecutive years, so maybe in another 85 years, the LP candidates will win and we can test this hypothesis.

I have no problem working in the Conservative Party, and have gotten into
poisitions of considerable responsibility thereby, although everyone
recognizes philosophic differences I have with others therein.  You can
always find points of common interest with practically any political party,
sufficient to make yourself welcome there.

Well. Good luck. I do know several candidates and proponents of the Constitution Party, at least here in Idaho. Insofar as the Conservative Party is concerned, I haven't followed that a great deal, and know probably very little insofar as how that Party stacks up on major issues with the Libertarian Party.

One thing I find interesting is that the rank and file of the Republican party is far more libertarian than the leadership. When I've raised the issue of drug legalization, I am astonished at how high support for it is among people who would generally be considered conservatives. Support for medical marijuana is over 80%, over 70% among conservatives according to surveys - and I think those understate the support. For recreational marijuana, the last survey I saw was 36%, but I think the actual level is higher, based on recent votes.

I think the rank and file of Dems is about the same as the leaders, though on the drug issue, the leaders are basically spineless - or unwilling to reduce govt. power by even a drop.

I honestly don't know what the answer is anymore, as I am stuck with the fascists and socialists who want to control each and everything we want to do individually, and even with the context of voluntary associations.

We have honestly, become a sick society of becoming comfortable with sound bites, rather than principle and reasonable alternatives to the sordid mess we find ourselves in today. And, right now tonight, I don't have a single clue on how to change much of that.

Maybe I've become too much of an ideologue to make a difference anymore in the scope of things. Who knows?

Well, I'll tell you what I do. In the course of discussing ethics in my marketing classes, I always bring up the issue of drug legalization or "underage" drinking. I allow all sides to present their views, but I certainly make my views clear - many of my students are astonished that a professor would have such views; they are used to professors being in favor of more govt. control over everything, certainly not in favor of drug legalization or removing the drinking age. And, of course, when I bring my own medical history into the equation, it's even harder for students to say, well, even cancer patients having a bad reaction to chemo and not getting relief from anti-nausea medicines should be told by the govt. what they can do.

Most of my students are politically apathetic, but I plant the seeds for when they aren't. Nothing out of line; just explaining how antitrust laws work and how policies are decided (all part of the marketing environment session) is enough to make students distrustful of expanded govt.


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