Date: Wed, 04 May 2005 06:31:02 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto floppy drive install?

From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Maybe someone else has worked this all out. I'd sure like to know what the
> answer is for future reference.

1) format the HD, then install everything correctly from scratch. worked fine
on my Libretto.

Kind of an extreme course of action just to get a floppy drive working isn't it?

2) delete the floppy drive with bad drivers in the device manager, locate the
*.inf file for the floppy drive in the \windows directory or subdirectories,
open it up, find all files (drivers) that it will use that will be copied to
the windows directory, then delete all referenced files + the *.inf file and
reboot. that'll usually get rid of all bad/old drivers completely.

Those would be:

C:\Windows\inf\other\Y-E Dataflbfd.inf

And there's no files referenced in them.

The FDD entry in DM only reported 2 files being used to enable the FDD:


In order to find out what other files Windows might look to for alternatives, I had to start disabling them one by one starting with Flbfd.pdr, and attempt reinstalling the drivers. Windows wasn't happy with >any< of my attempts to disable things to get it to accept the drivers I pointed it to, and would merrily go on it's own way to find one after another after another file it thought should do the job.

I did track down all the .inf files I could find by going through that process David, plus a couple other types of files. And after disabling everything Windows threw at me, it ended up pretending it had found a non-existing Flbfd.pdr in a non-existing location as reported in DM. At that point I gave up, and was glad when it only took me a couple of heart attacks before I managed to get my original C:\Windows\System\iosubysy\Flbfd.pdr driver file working again.

It just >two< sliiy files!  Why is it so hard to get them working?

I'm guessing that John had probably still beating his head against the wall trying to resolve this issue on his Libby.


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