Hello Sarah!

Roland's example is

  <c ees>4 <c ees> << { ees8. d16 } \\ b4 >> c

I would format this as

  <c ees>4 <c ees> << { ees8. d16 } \\
                      { b4        } >> c4 |

or maybe as

  <c ees>4 <c ees>
    << { ees8. d16 } \\
       { b4 } >>
    c4 |

(Note the final `|' to trigger a bar check.)  If a bar (or whatever)
is to be continued on another line, I would apply indentation, and I
do *a lot* of line breaks to get a clear visual result.  In
particular, I like to break a line after `\\' to clearly indicate
another voice.

Now my question: I assume that you are either blind or visually
impaired.  How do *you* format text?  Assuming an ordinary Braille
reader, you basically see one line at one time, right?  However,
Lilypond has a lot of structure, in particular, it needs matching
braces ({ and }) and doubled angle brackets (<< and >>) which can be
very far apart.  Without some reliable and repeatable formatting, it's
easy to lose track of them, and having not enough or too much closing
or opening braces leads to processing errors which are hard to
localize.  Ditto for doubled angle brackets.


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