Hey thanks for that explenation. I think I'm finally getting it. here is I 
think the first 2 or 3 measures od the part. I can't keep track anymore. as I'm 
not used to thinking in separate parts. lol! Hehahaha. and I think I'm missing 
a closing right brace some ware. 

{ c aes,  g  ees |
ees f {des c } \\ {ees  ees } |
  \bar "|."

I don't' want to go any further until I know I have the hang of it somewhat. I 
have to go through the piano part twice and notate what I'm hearing.

Be blessed all and good luck.
On Mar 2, 2013, at 10:24 PM, Roland Goretzki <rol...@roland-goretzki.de> wrote:

> Hello list, hello Sarah,
> You wrote:
>> Yeah that's it. I don't' quite understand how that works. I read the
>> section but was a bit confused on the double back slash method. Is
>> there an analogy I could use to maybe help me on that one? I'm getting
>> everything else slowly but yeah. I think where I'm getting confused is
>> when to use that method you described and what notes to put there. if
>> that makes sense
> The next about 12-14 hours I can't further mail, but for now a little
> more precise: My example was
>  <c ees>4 <c ees> << { ees8. d16 } \\ b4 >> c
> 1. If both of the parts BEFORE and AFTER the double back slash contain
>   more than one note, it's necessary to put it in {}.
> 2. You have to take care, which length You've had before the double back
>   slash, because without specifiing it new AFTER the double back slash,
>   the length from before is valid.
> Demonstrating both 1. and 2. the example above might be written as:
>  <c ees>4 <c ees> << { ees8. d16 } \\ { b16 b b b } >> c4
> Of course, in the Prelude there aren't four sixteenth's b, it's only to
> show how it has been to write, if there are more than one note in this
> part. As You can see, both parts between {} must have in summary the
> same length.
> Another point is, that, what You want to be the top note(s), has to be
> written before the double back slash, and the bottom note(s) after the
> double back slash.
>> Take care.
> I'll try ... ;-)
> Best Regards           Roland
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