- The Planning Board released a Lincoln Station Planning Study in 2014.
   The study concluded that each 100 units added would only support 2,500 sq
   ft of space. For reference, Donelan's footprint is 20,387 sq ft. Study
   - 2,500 sq ft of commercial space per 100 units is probably a very
   optimistic number. The Study assumed that the leakage (% of convenience
   buys by residents that happen outside of Lincoln Station) would come down
   from 80% to 50%. If we use the actual 80% leakage, those 100 units would
   only support 1,000 sq ft of space.

Another reason to go with Option C then to have the most units available to
support any retail! 😀

On Sunday, November 12, 2023, Karla Gravis <karlagra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I thought the premise of locating 100% of rezoned units around the train
> station and giving away our town meeting negotiating power was to "support
> and maintain our small commercial center" and "promote decarbonization
> and climate change adaptation by rezoning near transportation and
> amenities.
> But we are now being told that the plans for the mall will reduce
> commercial space and that we may not even be able to keep Donelan's. So why
> do we insist on putting all rezoned housing into the same spot where there
> are likely to be fewer amenities in the future? The train schedule is
> limited and unreliable enough that it is naive to think people will take
> the train to do a grocery run. It sounds like a situation where the cure is
> worse than the disease.
> *It is not true that much of the study was conducted at noon on a public
> holiday.* The consulting team conducted field studies across 8 days, none
> of which were public holidays. (April 12, 13, 16, 17, 24, 27, and 29, and
> May 8, 2013. Page 25 of the study).
> https://www.lincolntown.org/DocumentCenter/View/65765/
> Lincoln-Station-Planning-Study-3-27-2014bwfinal
> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 11:02 AM melinda bruno-smith <
> melindabr...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I too thought the town was interested in developing or at least
>> maintaining its commercial center.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Melinda Bruno-Smith
>> On Nov 12, 2023, at 10:44 AM, Margaret Olson <s...@margaretolson.com>
>> wrote:
>> We have no guarantees that the RLF will maintain Donelan's either. If
>> Donelan's is not sufficiently profitable they will leave, and the RLF may
>> or may not be willing and able to set their rent at a level that keeps them
>> profitable.
>> A note on the 2014 study: much of the research on the impact of the train
>> was conducted at noon on a public holiday.
>> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 10:07 AM Karla Gravis <karlagra...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I want to emphasize that the Mall is currently a profitable concern.The
>>> RLF disclosed a rental profit of $164,571 in 2022. Details here
>>> <https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/46132391/202341749349301024/full>.
>>> However, if we rezone it by right, Civico would get to decide what
>>> mix of commercial and residential to build. As a private enterprise, they
>>> will choose to build whatever leads to the highest profits, which we know
>>> is residential. Ms. Barnes mentioned that commercial space will be
>>> reduced during the forum on Wednesday. We have no guarantees that
>>> Civico would maintain Donelan's or any of the existing commercial space. 
>>> This
>>> outcome would be at odds with our goal of supporting our commercial center
>>> and reducing the town's carbon footprint. This is one of the reasons why it
>>> is so important that the Mall redevelopment goes through Town Meeting.
>>> It is also important to puncture the myth that building units at Lincoln
>>> Station would do much to boost the commercial prospects of the area:
>>>    - The Planning Board released a Lincoln Station Planning Study in
>>>    2014. The study concluded that each 100 units added would only support
>>>    2,500 sq ft of space. For reference, Donelan's footprint is 20,387 sq ft.
>>>    Study  here
>>> <https://www.lincolntown.org/DocumentCenter/View/65765/Lincoln-Station-Planning-Study-3-27-2014bwfinal>
>>>    - 2,500 sq ft of commercial space per 100 units is probably a very
>>>    optimistic number. The Study assumed that the leakage (% of convenience
>>>    buys by residents that happen outside of Lincoln Station) would come down
>>>    from 80% to 50%. If we use the actual 80% leakage, those 100 units would
>>>    only support 1,000 sq ft of space.
>>>    - In all likelihood the leakage is actually higher than 80% today
>>>    given the increased penetration of online sales in the nine years 
>>> elapsed.
>>> From: DJCP <djcp0...@gmail.com>
>>>> Date: Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 08:14
>>>> Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] Housing Choice Act and Exclusionary Zoning
>>>> Report-the HAC will make us even more exclusive.
>>>> To: Listserv Listserv <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
>>>> The best way to make sure commercial stays commercial is to make the
>>>> businesses viable and the best way to do that is to make sure there are
>>>> people shopping there. Sorry but people from other towns are not flocking
>>>> to Lincoln to buy $10 pints of strawberries from Donelans. And I've only
>>>> been here 5 years and have noticed the string of restaurants that have
>>>> tried to fill the ONE space. Whether we make any changes there's no
>>>> guarantee these businesses will stick around. That's capitalism folks. But
>>>> we can help by AT LEAST zoning for more housing in the area.
>>>> Diana
>>>> Giles Rd
>>>> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023, 8:08 AM Peter Buchthal <pbucht...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Along similar lines, how can the town ensure commercial space stays
>>>>> commercial as the new owners could easily decide to raise very high or not
>>>>> renew any commercial lease in order to build more luxury residential units
>>>>> by right as long as the project has unused housing units within the zoning
>>>>> allotment.
>>>>> Peter Buchthal
>>>>> Weston Rd
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 11, 2023 at 12:27 PM David Cuetos <davidcue...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> How can the RLF guarantee that any particular commercial space will
>>>>>> remain once they sell the land to Civico? Are they planning to include
>>>>>> a requirement for a supermarket in the deed? Anything else would just be 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> "recommendation".
>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 6:09 PM Margo Fisher-Martin <
>>>>>> margo.fisher.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> We know that a zoning change does not “dictate” that anything be
>>>>>>> built or changed, but we also know that major changes WILL happen in
>>>>>>> Lincoln, should this pass. Do any of you remember many years ago when
>>>>>>> zoning changes were made that impacted any changes an owner could make 
>>>>>>> (as
>>>>>>> much as a bay window) without ZBA approval on pre-existing 
>>>>>>> non-conforming
>>>>>>> lots? Some people who are pushing for the re-zoning here are the same
>>>>>>> people that tried to instill the fear of “mansionisation” should we 
>>>>>>> allow
>>>>>>> any changes to homes on less than 2 acre lots. At town meeting, they 
>>>>>>> showed
>>>>>>> pictures of dense mid-rise housing from other towns to scare people into
>>>>>>> taking away the rights of the pre-existing (grandfathered) 
>>>>>>> non-conforming
>>>>>>> lot owners. Now some of these same people are advocating for providing
>>>>>>> similar dense mid-rise housing that they were adamantly opposed to. What
>>>>>>> happened to the “stewards of the land?”
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>> Margo Martin
>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 5:27 PM Margaret Olson <
>>>>>>> s...@margaretolson.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Michelle Barnes from the RLF can confirm, but I believe Donelan's
>>>>>>> will remain after the mall redevelopment.
>>>>>>> A reminder: zoning affects what the property owner has a right to do
>>>>>>> with their property. It does not dictate that anything be built or 
>>>>>>> changed.
>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 4:38 PM Terri via Lincoln <
>>>>>>> lincoln@lincolntalk.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> If I am reading  the rezoning plans correctly.... the  Reducition
>>>>>>>> in retail includes eliminating Donelans and the  Bank.
>>>>>>> Is this correct?
>>>>>>>>> Theresa K
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 11:25:26 AM EST, Sara Mattes <
>>>>>>>>> samat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Is the alternative for the nation area to fill it with dense
>>>>>>>>> housing, while we are told there will be reduction in retail?
>>>>>>>>> And, that housing will only reflect the wealth gap-only 10%
>>>>>>>>> affordable, and the rest, high-end?
>>>>>>>>> What happened to the concept of a “vibrant commercial center?”
>>>>>>>>> What happened to a “walkable village?”
>>>>>>>>> What will everyone walk to as retail is reduced?
>>>>>>>>> Each other's units?
>>>>>>>>> Let us be more creative in what we can develop.
>>>>>>>>> As Ken has suggested, we have done it in the past.
>>>>>>>>> We seem to have lost our mojo.
>>>>>>>>> Let’s get it back.
>>>>>>>>> The HCA is NOT the answer.
>>>>>>>>> ------
>>>>>>>>> Sara Mattes
>>>>>>>>> On Nov 10, 2023, at 10:55 AM, Ken Hurd <kenh...@keha.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello LincolnTalkers,
>>>>>>>>> During the discussion on the Zoom forum hosted by the HCAWG on
>>>>>>>>> Wednesday evening, I mentioned the recently released report on the 
>>>>>>>>> history
>>>>>>>>> of exclusionary zoning in the Boston area.  And also, for those of 
>>>>>>>>> you who
>>>>>>>>> couldn’t stay to see it following the Wednesday morning forum at Town 
>>>>>>>>> Hall,
>>>>>>>>> below is the link to hear the presentation sponsored by The Boston
>>>>>>>>> Foundation.
>>>>>>>>> Unless we know our history, it is known that history has a
>>>>>>>>> tendency to repeat itself. With respect to objections raised to the 
>>>>>>>>> options
>>>>>>>>> offered by the Housing Choice Working Group, I do hope that current
>>>>>>>>> residents can follow the example of earlier Lincoln leaders from the 
>>>>>>>>> 1970’s
>>>>>>>>> who worked with, rather than against, the 40B mandate from the state 
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> provide more affordable housing.  That, and their efforts to preserve 
>>>>>>>>> land
>>>>>>>>> in a way that could be shared with others, made Lincoln a model 
>>>>>>>>> community
>>>>>>>>> that attracted national attention.
>>>>>>>>> With the Housing Choice Act, there is no less an opportunity to
>>>>>>>>> combine our responsibility to provide more housing in the greater 
>>>>>>>>> Boston
>>>>>>>>> region with helping to revive the ailing Lincoln Station area.  After 
>>>>>>>>> all,
>>>>>>>>> given our current manner of approving development around Lincoln 
>>>>>>>>> Station
>>>>>>>>> and the fact that there has been no interest by developers in doing 
>>>>>>>>> so for
>>>>>>>>> the past eighteen years, even with more favorable economic 
>>>>>>>>> conditions, why
>>>>>>>>> should we expect anything different other than more empty spaces 
>>>>>>>>> available
>>>>>>>>> for lease going forward?
>>>>>>>>> I urge us to affirm the work of the Working Group to fulfill the
>>>>>>>>> spirit of the Housing Choice Act by supporting Option C, including the
>>>>>>>>> rezoning of the mall, to address this conundrum.
>>>>>>>>> Here is the link to the report:
>>>>>>>>> Exclusionary by Design: An Investigation of Zoning’s Use as a Tool
>>>>>>>>> of Race, Class, and Family Exclusion in Boston’s Suburbs, 1920 to 
>>>>>>>>> Today
>>>>>>>>> <https://www.tbf.org/news-and-insights/videos/2023/november/exclusionary-by-design-20231108>
>>>>>>>>> tbf.org
>>>>>>>>> <https://www.tbf.org/news-and-insights/videos/2023/november/exclusionary-by-design-20231108>
>>>>>>>>> <tbfico.png>
>>>>>>>>> <https://www.tbf.org/news-and-insights/videos/2023/november/exclusionary-by-design-20231108>
>>>>>>>>> <https://www.tbf.org/news-and-insights/videos/2023/november/exclusionary-by-design-20231108>
>>>>>>>>> Respectfully,
>>>>>>>>> Ken Hurd
>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>>>> --
>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>>> --
>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/
>>>>> mailman/private/lincoln/.
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>>>>> --
>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>>>> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
>>>> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/
>>>> mailman/private/lincoln/.
>>>> Change your subscription settings at https://pairlist9.pair.net/
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>>>> --
>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>>> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
>>> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/
>>> mailman/private/lincoln/.
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>>> mailman/listinfo/lincoln.
>>> --
>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
>> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/
>> mailman/private/lincoln/.
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