"Commercial" does not just mean "retail."  I am encouraging the RLF to add
more office space to the mix. While Boston's commercial real estate market
is struggling, this is nit the case in the suburbs.  See:

Part of smart growth is finding ways to work closer to where we live.  If
you have the opportunity to try it, I think you will find trading a long
commute for more time at home or at the office, can have a very healthy

Remember that we all have a role to play here.  In order for the HCA to
achieve its goals, we have to engage as a state, as a town, and as


On Sun, Nov 12, 2023, 2:18 PM Scott Clary <scottclar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Louis,
> Yes, that is the question- will there be "ANY" commercial base left???
> Kind Regards,
> Scott Clary
> 617-968-5769
> Sent from a mobile device - please excuse typos and errors
> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023, 1:45 PM Louis Zipes <louiszi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>    - The Planning Board released a Lincoln Station Planning Study in
>>    2014. The study concluded that each 100 units added would only support
>>    2,500 sq ft of space. For reference, Donelan's footprint is 20,387 sq ft.
>>    Study  here
>> <https://www.lincolntown.org/DocumentCenter/View/65765/Lincoln-Station-Planning-Study-3-27-2014bwfinal>
>>    - 2,500 sq ft of commercial space per 100 units is probably a very
>>    optimistic number. The Study assumed that the leakage (% of convenience
>>    buys by residents that happen outside of Lincoln Station) would come down
>>    from 80% to 50%. If we use the actual 80% leakage, those 100 units would
>>    only support 1,000 sq ft of space.
>> Another reason to go with Option C then to have the most units available
>> to support any retail! 😀
>> On Sunday, November 12, 2023, Karla Gravis <karlagra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I thought the premise of locating 100% of rezoned units around the train
>>> station and giving away our town meeting negotiating power was to "support
>>> and maintain our small commercial center" and "promote decarbonization
>>> and climate change adaptation by rezoning near transportation and
>>> amenities.
>>> But we are now being told that the plans for the mall will reduce
>>> commercial space and that we may not even be able to keep Donelan's. So why
>>> do we insist on putting all rezoned housing into the same spot where there
>>> are likely to be fewer amenities in the future? The train schedule is
>>> limited and unreliable enough that it is naive to think people will take
>>> the train to do a grocery run. It sounds like a situation where the cure is
>>> worse than the disease.
>>> *It is not true that much of the study was conducted at noon on a public
>>> holiday.* The consulting team conducted field studies across 8 days,
>>> none of which were public holidays. (April 12, 13, 16, 17, 24, 27, and 29,
>>> and May 8, 2013. Page 25 of the study).
>>> https://www.lincolntown.org/DocumentCenter/View/65765/Lincoln-Station-Planning-Study-3-27-2014bwfinal
>>> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 11:02 AM melinda bruno-smith <
>>> melindabr...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I too thought the town was interested in developing or at least
>>>> maintaining its commercial center.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> Melinda Bruno-Smith
>>>> On Nov 12, 2023, at 10:44 AM, Margaret Olson <s...@margaretolson.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> We have no guarantees that the RLF will maintain Donelan's either. If
>>>> Donelan's is not sufficiently profitable they will leave, and the RLF may
>>>> or may not be willing and able to set their rent at a level that keeps them
>>>> profitable.
>>>> A note on the 2014 study: much of the research on the impact of the
>>>> train was conducted at noon on a public holiday.
>>>> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 10:07 AM Karla Gravis <karlagra...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I want to emphasize that the Mall is currently a profitable
>>>>> concern.The RLF disclosed a rental profit of $164,571 in 2022. Details
>>>>> here
>>>>> <https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/46132391/202341749349301024/full>.
>>>>> However, if we rezone it by right, Civico would get to decide what
>>>>> mix of commercial and residential to build. As a private enterprise, they
>>>>> will choose to build whatever leads to the highest profits, which we know
>>>>> is residential. Ms. Barnes mentioned that commercial space will be
>>>>> reduced during the forum on Wednesday. We have no guarantees that
>>>>> Civico would maintain Donelan's or any of the existing commercial space. 
>>>>> This
>>>>> outcome would be at odds with our goal of supporting our commercial center
>>>>> and reducing the town's carbon footprint. This is one of the reasons why 
>>>>> it
>>>>> is so important that the Mall redevelopment goes through Town Meeting.
>>>>> It is also important to puncture the myth that building units at
>>>>> Lincoln Station would do much to boost the commercial prospects of the 
>>>>> area:
>>>>>    - The Planning Board released a Lincoln Station Planning Study in
>>>>>    2014. The study concluded that each 100 units added would only support
>>>>>    2,500 sq ft of space. For reference, Donelan's footprint is 20,387 sq 
>>>>> ft.
>>>>>    Study  here
>>>>> <https://www.lincolntown.org/DocumentCenter/View/65765/Lincoln-Station-Planning-Study-3-27-2014bwfinal>
>>>>>    - 2,500 sq ft of commercial space per 100 units is probably a very
>>>>>    optimistic number. The Study assumed that the leakage (% of convenience
>>>>>    buys by residents that happen outside of Lincoln Station) would come 
>>>>> down
>>>>>    from 80% to 50%. If we use the actual 80% leakage, those 100 units 
>>>>> would
>>>>>    only support 1,000 sq ft of space.
>>>>>    - In all likelihood the leakage is actually higher than 80% today
>>>>>    given the increased penetration of online sales in the nine years 
>>>>> elapsed.
>>>>> From: DJCP <djcp0...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Date: Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 08:14
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] Housing Choice Act and Exclusionary Zoning
>>>>>> Report-the HAC will make us even more exclusive.
>>>>>> To: Listserv Listserv <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
>>>>>> The best way to make sure commercial stays commercial is to make the
>>>>>> businesses viable and the best way to do that is to make sure there are
>>>>>> people shopping there. Sorry but people from other towns are not flocking
>>>>>> to Lincoln to buy $10 pints of strawberries from Donelans. And I've only
>>>>>> been here 5 years and have noticed the string of restaurants that have
>>>>>> tried to fill the ONE space. Whether we make any changes there's no
>>>>>> guarantee these businesses will stick around. That's capitalism folks. 
>>>>>> But
>>>>>> we can help by AT LEAST zoning for more housing in the area.
>>>>>> Diana
>>>>>> Giles Rd
>>>>>> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023, 8:08 AM Peter Buchthal <pbucht...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Along similar lines, how can the town ensure commercial space stays
>>>>>>> commercial as the new owners could easily decide to raise very high or 
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> renew any commercial lease in order to build more luxury residential 
>>>>>>> units
>>>>>>> by right as long as the project has unused housing units within the 
>>>>>>> zoning
>>>>>>> allotment.
>>>>>>> Peter Buchthal
>>>>>>> Weston Rd
>>>>>>> On Sat, Nov 11, 2023 at 12:27 PM David Cuetos <davidcue...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> How can the RLF guarantee that any particular commercial space will
>>>>>>>> remain once they sell the land to Civico? Are they planning to include
>>>>>>>> a requirement for a supermarket in the deed? Anything else would just 
>>>>>>>> be a
>>>>>>>> "recommendation".
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 6:09 PM Margo Fisher-Martin <
>>>>>>>> margo.fisher.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>>> We know that a zoning change does not “dictate” that anything be
>>>>>>>>> built or changed, but we also know that major changes WILL happen in
>>>>>>>>> Lincoln, should this pass. Do any of you remember many years ago when
>>>>>>>>> zoning changes were made that impacted any changes an owner could 
>>>>>>>>> make (as
>>>>>>>>> much as a bay window) without ZBA approval on pre-existing 
>>>>>>>>> non-conforming
>>>>>>>>> lots? Some people who are pushing for the re-zoning here are the same
>>>>>>>>> people that tried to instill the fear of “mansionisation” should we 
>>>>>>>>> allow
>>>>>>>>> any changes to homes on less than 2 acre lots. At town meeting, they 
>>>>>>>>> showed
>>>>>>>>> pictures of dense mid-rise housing from other towns to scare people 
>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>> taking away the rights of the pre-existing (grandfathered) 
>>>>>>>>> non-conforming
>>>>>>>>> lot owners. Now some of these same people are advocating for providing
>>>>>>>>> similar dense mid-rise housing that they were adamantly opposed to. 
>>>>>>>>> What
>>>>>>>>> happened to the “stewards of the land?”
>>>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>>>> Margo Martin
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 5:27 PM Margaret Olson <
>>>>>>>>> s...@margaretolson.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Michelle Barnes from the RLF can confirm, but I believe Donelan's
>>>>>>>>> will remain after the mall redevelopment.
>>>>>>>>> A reminder: zoning affects what the property owner has a right to
>>>>>>>>> do with their property. It does not dictate that anything be built or
>>>>>>>>> changed.
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 4:38 PM Terri via Lincoln <
>>>>>>>>> lincoln@lincolntalk.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> If I am reading  the rezoning plans correctly.... the  Reducition
>>>>>>>>>> in retail includes eliminating Donelans and the  Bank.
>>>>>>>>> Is this correct?
>>>>>>>>>>> Theresa K
>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 11:25:26 AM EST, Sara Mattes <
>>>>>>>>>>> samat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Is the alternative for the nation area to fill it with dense
>>>>>>>>>>> housing, while we are told there will be reduction in retail?
>>>>>>>>>>> And, that housing will only reflect the wealth gap-only 10%
>>>>>>>>>>> affordable, and the rest, high-end?
>>>>>>>>>>> What happened to the concept of a “vibrant commercial center?”
>>>>>>>>>>> What happened to a “walkable village?”
>>>>>>>>>>> What will everyone walk to as retail is reduced?
>>>>>>>>>>> Each other's units?
>>>>>>>>>>> Let us be more creative in what we can develop.
>>>>>>>>>>> As Ken has suggested, we have done it in the past.
>>>>>>>>>>> We seem to have lost our mojo.
>>>>>>>>>>> Let’s get it back.
>>>>>>>>>>> The HCA is NOT the answer.
>>>>>>>>>>> ------
>>>>>>>>>>> Sara Mattes
>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 10, 2023, at 10:55 AM, Ken Hurd <kenh...@keha.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello LincolnTalkers,
>>>>>>>>>>> During the discussion on the Zoom forum hosted by the HCAWG on
>>>>>>>>>>> Wednesday evening, I mentioned the recently released report on the 
>>>>>>>>>>> history
>>>>>>>>>>> of exclusionary zoning in the Boston area.  And also, for those of 
>>>>>>>>>>> you who
>>>>>>>>>>> couldn’t stay to see it following the Wednesday morning forum at 
>>>>>>>>>>> Town Hall,
>>>>>>>>>>> below is the link to hear the presentation sponsored by The Boston
>>>>>>>>>>> Foundation.
>>>>>>>>>>> Unless we know our history, it is known that history has a
>>>>>>>>>>> tendency to repeat itself. With respect to objections raised to the 
>>>>>>>>>>> options
>>>>>>>>>>> offered by the Housing Choice Working Group, I do hope that current
>>>>>>>>>>> residents can follow the example of earlier Lincoln leaders from 
>>>>>>>>>>> the 1970’s
>>>>>>>>>>> who worked with, rather than against, the 40B mandate from the 
>>>>>>>>>>> state to
>>>>>>>>>>> provide more affordable housing.  That, and their efforts to 
>>>>>>>>>>> preserve land
>>>>>>>>>>> in a way that could be shared with others, made Lincoln a model 
>>>>>>>>>>> community
>>>>>>>>>>> that attracted national attention.
>>>>>>>>>>> With the Housing Choice Act, there is no less an opportunity to
>>>>>>>>>>> combine our responsibility to provide more housing in the greater 
>>>>>>>>>>> Boston
>>>>>>>>>>> region with helping to revive the ailing Lincoln Station area.  
>>>>>>>>>>> After all,
>>>>>>>>>>> given our current manner of approving development around Lincoln 
>>>>>>>>>>> Station
>>>>>>>>>>> and the fact that there has been no interest by developers in doing 
>>>>>>>>>>> so for
>>>>>>>>>>> the past eighteen years, even with more favorable economic 
>>>>>>>>>>> conditions, why
>>>>>>>>>>> should we expect anything different other than more empty spaces 
>>>>>>>>>>> available
>>>>>>>>>>> for lease going forward?
>>>>>>>>>>> I urge us to affirm the work of the Working Group to fulfill the
>>>>>>>>>>> spirit of the Housing Choice Act by supporting Option C, including 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> rezoning of the mall, to address this conundrum.
>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the link to the report:
>>>>>>>>>>> Exclusionary by Design: An Investigation of Zoning’s Use as a
>>>>>>>>>>> Tool of Race, Class, and Family Exclusion in Boston’s Suburbs, 1920 
>>>>>>>>>>> to Today
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.tbf.org/news-and-insights/videos/2023/november/exclusionary-by-design-20231108>
>>>>>>>>>>> tbf.org
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.tbf.org/news-and-insights/videos/2023/november/exclusionary-by-design-20231108>
>>>>>>>>>>> <tbfico.png>
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.tbf.org/news-and-insights/videos/2023/november/exclusionary-by-design-20231108>
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.tbf.org/news-and-insights/videos/2023/november/exclusionary-by-design-20231108>
>>>>>>>>>>> Respectfully,
>>>>>>>>>>> Ken Hurd
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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