Hi David,

It's the perfect place to ask. Yes, you can run it alongside an z/OS. It's a 
different LPAR and usually even a different CPU type. You need CP for z/OS and 
usually run IFL for zLinux. (though a Linux machine still can run on CP)

Indeed, I would advise to run Linux in z/VM. Not so much for a single linux 
image but you might want to run more Linux images. Shops usually start running 
more guests once they've installed the first one. z/VM makes your life so much 
easier when running multiple guests and it enables you to take advantage of the 
resource sharing (less hardware running more Linux images). It's the reason 
most Linux and z/VSE systems run in a z/VM. Don't think as z/VM as an OS 
(though it obviously is an OS) but as a means to build you virtual datacenter.

I don't think it's wise to have z/VM running Linux and z/OS load in the same 
LPAR. Reason for this would be a license issue. The CP costs more than an IFL 
and when running z/OS and Linux in the same LPAR you might have to pay a z/OS 
license fee for the Linux load you run. So at the very least, use two LPARs, 
one with a CP for z/OS and one with an IFL for Linux. (and preferably z/VM in 
the Linux LPAR)

Regards, Berry.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Spring, David
> Sent: donderdag 26 juli 2012 14:28
> Subject: z/Linux and z/OS
> Good morning all,
> Hope this is the right place to ask this question. Please pardon the intrusion
> if I should be posting this someplace else.
> Our management is considering the acquisition of a new z114 "sandbox"
> system primarily for testing new hardware (DASD and tape). They would
> also like to conduct a z/Linux POC using the same machine. I know that
> z/Linux can run in native mode on a System z processor but I wasn't sure
> about it running side by side with z/OS. Can this be done using PR/SM and
> building separate LPARs on the z114 for running z/Linux and z/OS together
> on the same machine? I know that the most sensible solution would
> probably be to get a z/VM hypervisor and run z/OS and z/Linux as guest
> operating systems under it. However, there's a lot of resistance here to
> running yet another operating system such as z/VM.
> Any comments, advice, etc.?
> David Spring
> Social Security Administration
> MVS Operating System Team
> Desk:  (410) 965-9309
> BB:     (443) 379-7839
> Email: david.spr...@ssa.gov
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to
> lists...@vm.marist.edu with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit
> http://www.marist.edu/htbin/wlvindex?LINUX-390
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> For more information on Linux on System z, visit http://wiki.linuxvm.org/

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