Richard Rager wrote:
>   ls < my_file > -type   will not work on kernal 2.2.5 redhat.
>   the kiss way is `ls -l myfile` why put it in greek.

ls -l doesn't list the file type either.  It should be

file myfile

(They had <> around the my_file to indicate it shouldn't be taken as a
literal string.  However, they have fixed it on the exam now.  It
currently reads file filename as it shoud)

This will output the file "type".  Example: I have a file
latex-base.tar.gz in
my home directory.  If I were stupid, and didn't know the .gz signified
as being a gzipped file (or if the .gz weren't there), I could type the
command and would be told what type of file it is:

%file latex-base.tar.gz 
latex-base.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, deflated, last modified: Sat
Mar  1 08:00:56 1997, os: Unix

ls -l only tells the size date ownership and permission information.  It
doesn't tell
what type of file it is.

But this is getting way off topic.


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