On Sun, Jul 08, 2007, David Smith wrote about "Re: [SUMMARY] Current status of 
Israeli ISPs":
> Since the only ISP with serious Linux support has now been chewed up by
> a larger fish, perhaps now is a time to consider an alternative
> possibility - a community ISP.
> One business model would be to function as a cooperative - the
> shareholders are all employees or customers or both. The open source
> Can anybody estimate how big such an entity would need to be in order to
> be viable?

If by "ISP" you mean something like the big ISPs in Israel (Netvision, 012,
etc.), with hundreds of thousands of clients and hundreds of employees, then
you'll need major investments and a lot management overhead, so this will be
very hard (but not impossible) to pull off.

Instead of thinking big, why not think small?

If what bothers you is the home connection side of the ISP business, then
how about getting a few neighbors together, buying one connection, and
splitting it together (doing the technical work yourself, without favors
from the ISP)?

If what bothers you is the hosting side of the ISP business, why don't you
get together with several other people, buy one machine (or several machines)
and host it in an existing ISP, and manage the machine together (again,
without needing help from the ISP)?

Nadav Har'El                        |      Sunday, Jul  8 2007, 22 Tammuz 5767
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Always borrow money from pessimists. They
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |don't expect to be paid back.

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