At 12:42 PM 2/4/99 -0700, David Hajoglou wrote:
> That and knowing where the compiled
>kernal goes and how to get lilo to boot the new kernal.  Also, I don't
>know of too many situations where compiling a new kernal can do any direct
>harm.  When I did it the first time I didn't know I had to install the
>vmlinuz thingy and was still operating on the old kernal.

I have been trying to get sound support in an older kernel (2.0.27 i
believe). I built a new kernel with sound options, but it doesnt seem to be
booting it (It looks identical to before I did it). I followed the
instructions in the HOWTO, but it seemed to suggest that unless LILO was
set just so, the last bit of instructions wouldn't work. Could you please
explain what you mean about installing the vmlinuz thingy and how I try out
the new kernel?

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