
I don't have the KDE system sounds.  I don't know
where did they go :-)  Could anybody tell me the
easiest way to recover those WAVs?

Thank you in advance. 

Daniel González Gasull           /\___/\       "Nuevas visiones, nuevas
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]          `)9 9('       fronteras.  No hay
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69        {_:Y:.}_      inteligencia sin
                          hjw ---( )U-'( )---  sufrimiento".
                                 ```   '''      -- William S. Burroughs
   Join the Penguin Family!                  (o_
                                   (o_  (o_  //\
   Free your mind, use LINUX       (/)_ (/)_ V_/_

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