
Richard Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now your answer;
> click on
>  KDE control center
> click the + on the left hand side of "Sound"
> System Sounds will apier, click on System Sounds,
> to configuration boxes will apier on the right of the control center.
> In the top left hand corner is a small box which has the text;
> enable system sounds click it and make sure an character appiers in it
> showing its correct and operating.
> Now choose a title from the left hand colum of system commands, then click
> a wav file that is to be associated with that command.
> click test to listen to the sound.
> click apply
> reapeat for other commands.
> click ok and exit.

Sorry for making you waste your time.  I didn't
explain myself correctly.  I mean that the files,
the .wav files, are not there.  I have tried to
locate them.  There are no KDE*.wav files.  This is
why I said "I don't where did they go".

My (correct) question is: where can I download the
sounds (WAVs) and where in the directory hierarchy
must I put them.

Thanx Richard and excuse me.

Daniel González Gasull        mMm _[_]_  "I never made a mistake
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      /(_)\ (_)   in my life.  I thought I
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69   //)^(\//:\\  did once, but I was
                           /(/&@&\)|~|/  wrong."
                            /-~`~-\|||    -- Lucy Van Pelt
        Think different.  Think Linux.

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