Hugo Vincent wrote:

Hi everybody,

I set up a PC for my parents to do their email on, with Mandrake 10 and Firefox/Thunderbird, but for some reason, their is no Shutdown item on the menu. I can't remember how to allow the normal user to run /sbin/shutdown as root (something in /etc/sudoers perhaps)? Can someone please shed some light on the situation.


Hi Hugo,

The easiest way I've found ( stolen from an old Honeywell unix system over 15 years ago! ) is to create a shutdown user, and run shutdown as it's shell. You nay need to use vipw to set it all up, but I've found it's worth it.


( On that particular machine, switching the power off led to the following message on the system console, which still makes me laugh to this day...

   Power fa


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