 And you can do 
ln -fs /sbin/shutdown /usr/bin/shutdown

and then shutdown is in the typical users path, so the user just does
shutdown -h now

On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Robert Himmelmann wrote:

> Hugo Vincent wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I set up a PC for my parents to do their email on, with Mandrake 10 
> > and Firefox/Thunderbird, but for some reason, their is no Shutdown 
> > item on the menu. I can't remember how to allow the normal user to run 
> > /sbin/shutdown as root (something in /etc/sudoers perhaps)? Can 
> > someone please shed some light on the situation.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Hugo.
> >
> >
> Use "chmod u+s /sbin/shutdown" then everyone can use "/sbin/shutdown -h 
> 0" or something.

Derek Smithies Ph.D.                           This PC runs pine on linux for 
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ph +64 3 365 6485                              Please do not notify me when 
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