On 12/31/02 17:35, Ian Stephen wrote:
On the subject of DVD/MPEG etc, my kid installed VideoLan client on his
Wintendo and hasn't left his room since.  The site says it's a
cross-platform multimedia player.  www.videolan.org
Yea, they're a French company, i think. They put out a decent x-platform movie player (even does encrypted DVDs). They host the libdvdcss package too.

ps - who is this you ask?  I don't think I've introduced myself to the
list.  Suppose I should.

Ian Stephen.  Electrician, cyclist, wannabe web designer
(www.tradeswest.ca) and new activist to the call "Freedom in software is
the democratic future!" (which quote I think I stole from someone on
this list btw. :-)

A few months ago needed software to take "1401 Programming Concepts and
Methodology" at BCIT and couldn't afford MS Visio so downloaded
OpenOffice.org and Dia and rarely boot Windows anymore.

Thrilled to be able to learn so much off this list!

Main machine's a Celeron 533, RH8.0 with, as of last night, BOTH
monitors working!

Thanks all, and happy holidays!
Welcome onboard!

L. Friedman                       	       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo: 		    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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