On Wednesday 11 July 2001 00:53, Rick Sivernell wrote:
> > Rick:
> >
> > I haven't been following the thread....   do you need to know who to
> > build an initrd file?
> Bruce
>   I beleive that my settings from xconfig may not be proper at this time. I
> will retry to set the configuration tomorrow. Marcus sent a earlier post
> about initrd.sh. I will try  mkinitrd.sh i2.4.6, that should give me
> initrd-2.4.6.gz, I beleive that is the correct syntax. What I am not sure
> about at this time is vmlinuz-2.4.6  as 2.4.2 has vmlinuz-2.4.2.modules.
> Guess some faq is inorder here.

Used to be things were pretty complicated in the module world.  Everytime you 
make a new kernel, it was given a weird internal timestamp and your module 
directory had to have the same name.

Now (and I think this is true of Caldera offerings) it's a little easier.   
uname -r  should be the only name your module library has and that should be 
2.4.6  for your 2.4.6 kernel.

What I would do would be:

1) Make a copy of your 2.4.2 module library, to say:  /lib/modules/2.4.2.sav
2) Go to your /usr/src/linux  directory (which I assume now points to 2.4.6 
3)  make modules; make modules_install

and even if you are running under 2.4.2 at the time, the modules should go to 

And BTW, it doesn't matter what you call your kernel (you probably know this) 
or what you call the initrd file, they can be called anything as long as they 
are booted and called properly.  That is, your grub load would point to the 
right kernel and the right initrd regardless of what they are called.

I'm not that familiar with the mkinitrd.sh  that Caldera has but your problem 
would be to get the 2.4.6 modules into the initrd file, not the 2.4.2,  I 
would assume with mkinitrd you could point to the right library to do this.  
I read the man for mkinitrd and built my own file which wasn't very hard.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         07/11/01 08:51  +
"We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap
as they go by."  --Will Rogers
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