Ah, finally someone has mentioned what I hated about SuSE when I
installed it around v6.1 or so.  Many of the design decisions made are
almost indecipherable to mere mortals, requiring lots of time and
investigation.  There doesn't always seem to be a good reason, just a
"because we felt like it" rationale.  Seeing the number of rave reviews
posted here, I started to wonder if nobody else had noticed.  Of course,
the other distros do the same thing, but SuSE reminds me of trying to
work on my wife's Ford.  Wierd, and for no good reason.  I currently
prefer Mandrake or Caldera since Mandrake isn't particularly quirky
under the hood and I'm used to OpenLinux's wierdnesses after 5 years or
more of tinkering.

On 12 Jul 2001 19:32:52 -0400, dep wrote:
> On Thursday 12 July 2001 06:48 pm, Keith Antoine wrote:
> | I would imagine that if it is necessary with Cladera then it
> | probably is also with other distros.
> nah. the geniuses at suse have rejiggered this, too, probably to make 
> it easier to undo changes not approved by the suse high council but 
> undertaken by mere paying customers anyway. (i'm of a mood to begin 
> work on a book, "how distributions killed linux," but this may just 
> be my reaction, based on some of the questions i've seen on lists 
> today and things like the carrion beetles of the plaintiff's bar, as 
> expected, having today descended on the still-twitching carcass of 
> caldera, leading me to believe that the solar system has slipped into 
> the legendary great stupid nebula.)
> i hope to get around to dissecting whatever the hell it is that suse 
> has done to /etc, but i won't have time until i finish installing all 
> the headers that suse moronically left out of their standard install.
> -- 
> dep
> there's more to history than what's in books;
> that's why it took so long to happen.
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