We seem to have some problems with re-compiling in this list and it is due to the fact 
that many
here now are Caldera refugees <grin> with differing distros in the list now.

Initrd is a script that is called since the introduction of 2.4.x kernels. In Cladera 
it resides
in /usr/libexec/modules/mkinitrd.sh and this is called with the path plus
mkintrd 2.4.x(being the kernel number). AFAIK this is essential in the calling of 
modules and
must be done _immediately_ after calling modules_install in the kernel compilation. If 
this si
not done then you can expect problems with module calls, as I did before being aware 
of it.

I would imagine that if it is necessary with Cladera then it probably is also with 

Ha to get this in and will endevour to edit and submit a revised Kernel Compiling for 
the SxS to
include this before I unsub later today or early tomorrow, before leaving on holidays.

Collins Richey wrote:

> I don't have a clue what you are referring to.  My kernel compile SxS
> makes no mention of initrd anything.  Can you point me to the SxS you are
> following.
> As to the latter, if your /boot has a symlink like vmlinuz --> vmlinuz...
> you can either remove it and point it to the new kernel, or you can change
> your lilo or grub to add a new entry that points to the new kernel name.
> --
> Collins Richey
> Denver Area
> Gentoo_rc5 XFCE
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