On Thursday 12 July 2001 19:32, dep wrote:
> On Thursday 12 July 2001 06:48 pm, Keith Antoine wrote:
> | I would imagine that if it is necessary with Cladera then it
> | probably is also with other distros.
> nah. the geniuses at suse have rejiggered this, too, probably to make
> it easier to undo changes not approved by the suse high council but
> undertaken by mere paying customers anyway. (i'm of a mood to begin
> work on a book, "how distributions killed linux," but this may just
> be my reaction, based on some of the questions i've seen on lists
> today and things like the carrion beetles of the plaintiff's bar, as
> expected, having today descended on the still-twitching carcass of
> caldera, leading me to believe that the solar system has slipped into
> the legendary great stupid nebula.)
> i hope to get around to dissecting whatever the hell it is that suse
> has done to /etc, but i won't have time until i finish installing all
> the headers that suse moronically left out of their standard install.

Just found another 'wide decision' in SuSE 7.2

Tried to add a user...   like webmaster.   Should be an easy thing to do.

Nope...  It es verboten to add a user uhnless it be 2 to 8  chars in  length!!

Dumb...  totally dumb.

But just go to command line and use YAST  instead of the gui YAST2.   No 
problems, no questions asked.

Dumb...  totally dumb.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         07/12/01 22:15  +
"Isn't it strange? The same people who laugh at gypsy fortune tellers take
  economists seriously." - anonymous
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