No way can they be accurate especially as the one who experienced it and the one who 
wrote it are seperated by time. Just ask any police dept about witnesses and if they 
agree also what about witnesses accuracy if time passes.

We all see that which we wish to see. The eye does not of itself see, the brain does,
and it interprets what we see and is coloured by past experiences.

Lastly verifiede by scholars ?? Where they there when the so called events took place 
? also ech scholar will interpret an event according to his beliefs, even alter text 
to suit his beliefs; thats' WELL documented in all disiplines.

JW wrote:

> At 07:14 PM 9/12/2001 -0700, you wrote:
> >On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 12:05:50 +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:
> >Just remember that the "quotes" from the bible are made from text that
> >has been translated several times by people who had a stake in the
> >content that was derived.....
> And the words have been verified as accurate by thousands of scholars in dozens of 
>countries who read Greek and Hebrew. And these scholars com from many, many different 
>backgrounds, and even opposing beliefs, such as atheists who have scoured 
>translations looking for inaccuracies. Anyone can learn Greek, it's not hard. My 
>sister and I have both toyed round with both languages. $12 and a few hours and 
>you'll be able to pronounce words (albeit slowly) and understand what they mean.
> >stayler
> >
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> Jonathan Wilson
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> Central Texas IT
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Keith Antoine aka "Skippy"
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland, 4061, Australia PH: 61 7 33002161
Certified Professional Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall!!
Insensible phone computer assistance a speciality.

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