On Wednesday 12 September 2001 08:35 pm, you wrote:
> Dep,
> Many thanks for your comments, as I admire your command of the English
> language and the way you wield words. It will come as no suprise that we
> are well appraised here about 11 minutes behind what you see in the US, as
> to what is happening over there and the latest developments, plus the
> horror.
> The thoughts of all Australians without exception are with the American
> peoples, as we have been alongside you for many years through thick and
> thin, we have even died with you. That is in many cases here what we are
> thinking, especially theolder people when we see the young going. One also
> bears in mind that there were some pasengers, so we hear that were aussies
> also quite a few died in the twin tower also.
> This tradgedy hits home in all nations as there were many expats working
> over in the US and in those buildings. I guess we are more innured,
> especially those from England, and yes also Australia to some of the
> excesses of fanaticism terror and war.
> having been in living memory amongst bombing or nearly invaded.
> We also heard about the bravery of those on the Philadelpia crash that more
> than likely they fought the hi-jackers. The churchs have been full here
> with continuous services for those lost in the attacks. One must remember
> that we are all human beings on the same planet, however having said that
> there is radicalism rampant in all walks of life today; drive by shooting,
> road rage and so on. As has been said not all muslims are radicals any more
> than all christians are saints; I was so pleased to see the poll on your TV
> was 75% to wait for the investigative results, then act rather
> than the understandable 'lets wipe o all of the arabs off the face of the
> earth'.
> We are afraid, here in Oz! We are also a very cosmopolitan society, since
> the influx of peoples from many lands, circa 1960's. We are a well know
> supporter of the US and its polocies, yeah we don't always agree but we do
> it quietly. We have muslim enclaves and we have some ethnic youths who are
> spitting on christain women because they do not act like theirs. We have
> had a large influx of Boat peoples most Afganis and Iranians; without any
> papers whatsoever (no documentation at all), so we cannot say what their
> backgrounds are. Are you in the US aware of these anomilies ?? Did you know
> they have rioted and injured guards etc ?
> Anyway I digress. Whether you know it or not we do feel for you, in that
> you have been attacked on your HOMELAND soil, not Hawaii (an island) and
> the loss of life is likely to be greater than the earthquakes you have had
> and greater than the McVeigh bombing (internal not external). One must
> remember that there is very little difference, only by degree, in the two
> cases, both terror attacks.
> I do not think in the light of the experience of the way things have gone
> in the past few years that we will ever wipe out all terrorists, be they
> BaderMeinhof, Muslim, Japanese or martian. So long as there is disaffection
> amongst people with what someone or some nation has done, beit in the name
> of God or Satan.
> May the healing process start, but may also complacency that blankets those
> that protect us be banished.
> BTW just heard from a young man backpacking in the US and flew with a
> friend from NY to say boston. Got to his destination and found he had
> packed a big hunting knife in a small hand luggage that was totally missed
> by the authorities!!


  There not the words that one can say, we need all of our friends all them. 
Our mates from down under are among those we can count one. Generally the 
Britts, Cannadians, Isreali's. Others come but not as quickly to standup. Now 
in some of those other countries we do have friends that we can count on. We 
all are brothers & sisters, hell we are family. Just seperated by a little 
water. It is getting closer & closer to we all are on the same place 
Godbless all of our family.

Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1
Registered Linux User

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