On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 07:09:14 -0400
Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| You are right about that. Nations have avoided declaring war in the last 50
| years. Strange.  I guess they want to save paperwork.
| However, FDR, without the consent of Congress, and in fact in opposition to
| Congress and the majority of the American people, engaged in acts of war
| against both Japan and Germany. For this alone he should have been
| impeached. All the American dead in WW II are on his hands.
| Germany at least wanted desperately to avoid hostilities
| with the USA. I have read a lot about the Nazis.
| If Sweden didn't want to fight the Nazis, why should we?

Sweden is a bad example choice. There is lots of mumbling here about
how Sweden provided so much goods to Germany in trade for being left
alone. Germany needed Sweden to produce what they did and did not
want to risk having the means of manufacture lost in a battle. If
Sweden had not provided what they did, perhaps Germany would not have
been as strong.

It is not really something Sweden is proud of.

| I have been impressed by how well chosen words can mask the truth.
| World War II didn't start in 1939 with the invasion of Poland. We didn't get
| involved in WW II in 1941. There was no world war until we got involved. 

Japan in Manchuria and the Pacific? Germany/France/Britain in Europe?
Italy in Africa? OK, not all big players were in the game. But enough
of the world was fighting that calling it a WW is not too far off the mark.
And, the whole world does not call it a WW.

| And, what beyond weakening Germany and Japan was achieved by this war?
| Nothing, as far as I can see. To celebrate WW II as a "good" war is beyond
| belief.

Saving Britain, France and China as nations is not good enough? Do you mean
it is OK to take over a country and others should just watch? What 'were'
we thinking in Kuwait?

Wars are not always about getting something.

Roger Oberholtzer                         E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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