On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 20:14:26 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Collins Richey wrote:
> [3.5 k deletia]
> % ayup.  I've used cups exactly that way, but I removed some M$sh%t
> % options a year ago when I had a major snafu on the fscking WinME
> box,
> % and I haven't had the urge to mess with it again!
> init_curmudgeon_mode() 
> Dude! *Please* trim your posts. I almost missed the three lines of
> new
> text added at the bottom of this one... :-)
> end_curmudgeon_mode()

Sorry.  I always trim my posts, but somehow this one got loose.  I
just checked my outbox and there's all the garbage that I normally
strip out!

Collins Richey
Denver Area
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.16+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
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