O/H Jan Willem Stumpel έγραψε:
Joe Schaffner wrote:
After lengthy consideration, I have come to the conclusion xkb
[..] only maps keyboard events to keysyms, which are not

Many of them really are just characters.

I have these two keymaps i.e. "groups" on my system:

/etc/X11/xkb/symbols/el -- The one I'm using

/etc/X11/xkb/symbols/gr -- The dirty bastard

Isn't this dirty bastard /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/gr? Which version
of X do you have?

include "el(extended)"

This shows that you are really using both, because gr includes el.
BTW in newer versions of X there is no el, only the dirty bastard.
Now the official is "gr". "el" is an alias to "gr", to let old configurations continue to work. This is in Xorg 7.0+ and xkeyboard-config, in earlier Xorg your mileage may vary.
key.type = "THREE_LEVEL";

key <AD11> {[], [ dead_tilde, dead_diaeresis, dead_macron ]}; key <AD12> {[], [ dead_iota, VoidSymbol, dead_breve ]};

key <AC10> {[], [ dead_acute, dead_horn ]}; key <AC11> {[], [ dead_grave, dead_ogonek ]};


I assume the list of keysyms captures the shifted state of the
key i.e. <dead_acute> is on the semi-colon key and <dead_horn>
is on the same key, shifted, the colon key.

Yes, and in the case of three-level keys, the third level is
accessed by the AltGr key (right-alt, most probably). So that's
how you get the dead macron etc.

Some keys might be four-level, in which case the fourth level is
accessed by means of Shift-AltGr.

<dead_grave> is on the single-quote key and <dead_ogonek> is on
the double-quote key.

That's a pretty good layout. I like it.

Why not name these keysyms <dead_psili> and <dead_dasia>?

Because these names are not known to "the system". However, all
UTF-8 characters are known to "the system" by default, having
names beginning with U. So the designer of this layout could, and
in my opinion should, have called them U0313 (for the dead psili)
and U0314 (for the dead dasia).
The Uxxxx notation for Unicode characters in the Compose file should be edited so that any numbers have 0x10000000 added to them.
For more on this and the chance to try out such an updated Compose file, see

I did not manage to try the file myself as I run Breezy (Oldish Xorg 6.8.2).
In Xorg 6.8.2 on Breezy I have an issue of typing psili, daseia and
several other combinations based on these. I think this relates to the merging of the greek compose file
to the common international one.
for more.
If someone has Xorg 7.0 and want to try out, please do and report back.
This would have avoided the need for a special Greek Compose file,
the existence of which is just a bother, ergo censeo delendam
esse. There already exists an international Compose file (it is
called the "US" file but it is really international), which serves
all languages, including ancient and modern Greek, and which knows
how to combine U0313 and U0314 with Greek letters and with other
I second that.
Anyway, I activate the gr keymap like this:

setxkbmap "us,gr(polytonic)" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle"

The command syntax is troublesome. There seem to be other ways
of doing it. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to work.

You can put the keyboard options in the X configuration file
(/etc/X11/xorg.conf, or /etc/X11/XF86Config-4).

[..] Yes, I can enter greek characters. The <dead_acute> seems to
work, but I am not sure if it is outputting a tonos or a acute.
It's probably a tonos.

It should be, because having a separate acute is not considered
correct anymore. The fonts you use should display the tonos as an
acute. But if you really want to have the separate acute (oxia),
there are ways.

None of the other dead keys seem to work.

Any ideas?

All the dead keys can be made to work. It is not magic; it is not
even difficult. I apologise for blowing my own horn, but perhaps
you really should read the bits relating to "keyboard" and "Greek"
on http://www.jw-stumpel.nl/stestu.html.

It would be nice to see the entire character map in the same

To get a picture of your character map (or maps, if you have
defined multiple maps) you could try

  xkbcomp -xkm $DISPLAY
  xkbprint server-0_0.xkm server-0_0.eps

The resulting file, server-0_0.eps, can be viewed with gv. This
xkbprint system seems a little bit flaky, though. You may have
difficulty actually printing the map.
You can also use "xev". Run it from command line and give focus to the "xev" window. Switch keyboard to Greek Polytonic and type ancient greek. You will be able to see the individual characters being sent. You will also be able to see if GTK+ filters and cuts off any dead keys.

There are some patches for GTK+ to add support for Greek polytonic
(it actually synchs Compose-Xorg with GTK+).
If you are the compile type of person (Gentoo?), try out


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