Joe Schaffner wrote:

> [..]
> With this font, I can capture the entire entry, no problems, pointing
> fingers, arrows, boxes, tiny-elvises, polygreek etymology... There is
> virtually nothing I cannot do with the Unicode character set alone.

And in another message:


Your document is impressive, and it clearly shows why we need Unicode (a
system which allows mixing many different languages in one document) and
also why we need input systems capable of switching between languages
very quickly (i.e. not requiring going through complicated nested menus).

Fonts are not a real problem. There are many fonts which can display
both ancient and modern Greek in UTF-8. You do not especially need the
XP version of Times New Roman (although thanks for the tip).

As far as switching between Latin and Greek is concerned, I would
recommend setting the "group toggle" key to only one single key, not
something like control-alt-K. I just set it to "Left-Windows" which (on
my system) is not used for anything useful. It really cycles, i.e. when
you get to the end of the possible groups, you get back to the
beginning. That does not seem to work for you; I do not know why.

Greek is, of course, a language which is enormously important in the
history of civilisation, and is therefore of interest to people from
many different cultures (or, in computer terms, 'locales'). Such people
could very well be resident in Greece, so they need to enter both
'ancient' and 'modern' Greek in their computers with a minimum of fuss.
Therefore now I think that there should be either

-- one "gr" keyboard layout which allows entering both modern and
   ancient Greek.

-- two "gr" keyboard layout variants, one which is optimised for modern
   Greek, and another one which enables inputting BOTH ancient and
   modern Greek (i.e both tonos and oxía) - although it might be
   somewhat sub-optimal compared to a keyboard which is 'modern Greek

BTW What is a 'tiny elvis'?

Regards, Jan

Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels

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