Dnia 2012-05-16, śro o godzinie 11:56 -0500, Favux ... pisze:
> Hi Prezmo,
> Peter vetoed the xsetwacom implementation for the Intuos4 OLEDs:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=28814445
> From this thread:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CAF8JNhK6%3DvdFtXAYK6iX7UJo6%3DxSduaaUK63d94pGkg5V15s0Q%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=linuxwacom-devel
> Other than the work Bastien mentions on the g-s-d/Wacom Tablet applet
> there is another applet then has been around a while.  It's by
> Christoph Karg:  http://braindump.kargulus.de/  And San (sanette) has
> posted several versions with modifications on the Ubuntu forums, the
> last:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10921962&postcount=214
> Christoph posted his applet once or twice on linuxwacom-discuss, not
> sure if San ever did.
> Christoph should have give the applet a name, don't you think?
> Favux
Thanks Favux!
What about libwacom? Could we use it to simplify LED/OLED handling?
And then g-s-d could use libwacom?
Przemo Firszt <prz...@firszt.eu>

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