Martin Lindholm wrote:
> I'm new at Rebol, and I would like to have some thoughts of mine
straighted out or confirmed:

    Welcome to the list!

> 1. A Rebol script can be used to fetch data from a textfile and put the
data into a HTML template, thus creating an unique web page? In this way one
may render lots of documents of the same kind, but with unique data, such as
a list of products where each product is linked to a script-generated
information page?

    Yes. Have a look at my HTML script on for an
example. Plus various other similar systems from Carl and others.

> 2. A Rebol script can be used in the way above, but on the server side,
reading data from a text file for input to the HTML template. In this way,
Rebol may serve the same function as Visual Basic or Javascript within an
Active Server Page?

    Yes, by using the Apache REBOL module or as a CGI process. Or, lacking
those, using prebuilt pages output from a rebol script.

> 3. Which one of the two above methods is preferred -- rendering unique web
pages with a script or having the script read data "on the fly" thus
providing dynamic web pages?

    If your information is static, static HTML pages would be quicker. If
your information is changing with each click, then the Apache module would
be quickest, followed by the REBOL in CGI mode.

> I would be really glad to get some ideas on this, and maybe even some code
that I can play around with to learn from. Thanks! and the examples on

I hope that helps!

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

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