I have to agree with you Mordechai - a very good point!

On 2/8/07, Mordechai Peller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ben Buchanan wrote:
> Personally I think glyphs/entities in HTML should have been tags with
> alt or title attributes.
I strongly disagree. All glyphs have an agreed upon meaning as indicated
by their context[1]. They are *NOT* abbreviations. Is a capital sigma a
glyph representing summation or a letter in the Greek alphabet? And
since all letters, numbers, punctuation, and other related symbols are
glyphs, what you're are proposing (admittedly, taken to the extreme) is...
<p><abbr title="The English letter T">T</abbr><abbr title="The English
letter h">h</abbr><abbr title="The English letter i">i</abbr><abbr
title="The English letter s">s</abbr><abbr title="The English
exclamation mark">!</abbr><abbr title="The English question

[1]A long and thorough discussion of this can be found in "Gödel,
Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid," by Douglas R. Hofstadter.

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