Niklas Nordebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 09:33:02AM +0000, Steve Mynott wrote:
> > 
> paraphrased: "You're not going to get everyone to abide by those rules so
> I'm going to jeopardy quote now just to irritate you"

That wasn't actually the intention.  I will top quote when I think it
makes the email easier to read which I think is generally the case
when you are writing more than you are quoting.

A drawback of bottom quoting is that you have to scroll past the quote
in order to get the new material.  I read a _lot_ of email and such
scrolling wastes valuable time and key strokes.  It also raises
visability of your words.  I am well aware that its against
USENET/mailing list tradition as codified in 1989 but I think its just
geek snobbery against Outlook and AOL users and the like really.

Isn't the Perl way "There is More Than One Way to Do It?"

Bottom quoting to me only makes sense to me now if you are responding
on a point to point basis (as I am doing now).  So I use both quoting

> Of course, we do kick people out if they either can't learn to quote sanely
> after a reasonable time, or if they deliberately quote improperly because
> they think people who object are just stupid and old-fashioned and don't
> understand that they're above all that since they're Nathans and use
> fucking Microsoft Outlook and not some kind of stoneage text mail client
> for hippy programmers.

Sorry you lost me here.  I can't understand whether you are being
ironic or not and so your meaning is lost.

I care more about the content people post and how easy it is to read
than the way they quote it.

> People do mistakes sometimes, especially if they're used to jeopardy
> quoting or whatever. The fact that people *will* do something doesn't mean
> that something isn't wrong/bad/whatever, as anyone with even a vague grasp
> of logic will understand.

I think the solution is client-side (filtering) rather than

Complaining about quoting really is petty and a total waste of time.

If you hate "broken quoting" so much why don't you write a Perl script
to "fix" it to the way you like and put all your mail through it?

Problem Over.

1024/D9C69DF9 steve mynott [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    don't go around saying the world owes you a living. the world owes you
  nothing. it was here first.  -- mark twain 

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