On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, Roger Burton West wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 03:46:17PM +0100, Ben wrote:
> >The Dlink is a piece of piss to set up. Be aware, however, that it isn't
> >the best router in the world, and not everyone likes it. It's
> >perfectly adequate for my needs, however.
> Something I've noticed on several DSL router/hub combination boxes is
> that they're often even worse collision generators than normal hubs.

Does that (i.e., decreased performance) apply a fortiori to DSL
router/switch/firewall, or router/switch/wireless-access-point/firewall
combination boxes?

For instance, the Draytek Vigor 2600 or 2600We, which I've seen advertised
on www.broadbandbuyer.co.uk?

I'm looking into getting DSL too, and it seems like by the time you add up
the cost of a separate DSL router, a hub/switch, and a firewall box (I
don't happen to have one of those sitting around, so I'd have to buy
something, and even an old 286 or 386 is going to cost a few quid), not to
mention the time spent configuring each one separately, it looks like it
might be cheaper, and certainly more convenient, just to buy one thing
that does it all.


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