Chris -

> -----Original Message-----

> From: Christian Hopps <>

> Sent: Monday, October 3, 2022 8:37 AM

> To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>

> Cc: Robert Raszuk <>; Tony Li <>; Henk Smit

> <>;

> Subject: Re: [Lsr] New Version Notification for draft-pkaneria-lsr-multi-tlv-

> 01.txt



> [As wg-member]


> I think the draft should include a table of all top level TLVS as rows and for

> columns we have


> - "Implicit Single TLV Only" (e.g., no key info)

> - "Implicit Multi-TLV Only"

> - "Explicit Single TLV Only"

> - "Explicit Multi-TLV-Allowed"


> This draft then would *explicitly* cover the existing "implicit" cases and we

> have the table to point at to be precise about what we are talking about.


[LES:] I am not overly enthused about this - but I can see its usefulness, so I 
don’t oppose it.

Probably best realized as an additional column in the existing IS-IS TLV 
Codepoints registry.

But also realize that in some cases this extends to sub-TLVs (as one example 
"16 Application-Specific Link Attributes").

> Now about the capability... There's an argument about including a router

> capability and it seems to be that people have agreed that it should *not*

> have any operation impact on the protocol.


> I think this is hasty. I would like to look at the above table to see what 
> TLVs

> we are *exactly* talking about here (the implicit multi-tlv ones). People have

> said that implementations support multi-tlv use of these implicit cases (e.g.,

> the draft talks about extended reachability).


> Really?

[LES:] Yes - really. 😊


> I could easily believe its not common. I think we should get specific about

> vendors and versions (and maybe specific TLVS?) if we are saying this has

> been deployed and is in use. I've written a few IS-IS implementations and I

> don't think *any* of them supported multiple tlvs of, for example, extended

> reachability (seeing 2 of the same keyed info would be seen as one replacing

> the other, or a bug if in the same LSP segment).

[LES:] All of us who have "been around for a while" have worked on 
implementations that did not support MP-TLVs. Prior to new features (SR, TE 
Metric Extensions (RFC 8570), flex-algo, more extensive deployments of IPv6, 
etc.) there wasn't a need - at least for Neighbor/Prefix advertisements.

But deployment requirements have evolved. We absolutely have cases today where 
a single TLV is insufficient space-wise for both neighbor and prefix 
advertisements and there are multiple implementations which already support 

If the WG wants to pursue an Implementation Report on this, I have no objection.

BTW, the need for this should not surprise you. Discussion of this problem 
dates back at least to 2004:


> Once we have this info I think a stronger case might be made for actually

> having the router capability be used *operationally* (i.e., if you don't see 
> the

> capability advertised then that router in fact doesn't send multi-tlv tlvs and

> they should be seen as replacements of each other), and the argument

> about it's inclusion goes away as it's then required.


[LES:] I don't agree with this argument - but I think the discussion triggered 
by posts from Gunter and Henk has already covered this well from both points of 
view, so I won’t repeat here.


> Thanks,

> Chris.

> [as wg-member]
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