I've not followed everything in details so I've been reluctant to comment, but 
nonetheless please find below a diverse set of comments.

> From: Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org<mailto:cho...@chopps.org>>

> AFAICT we now have implementations out there that are sending multiple TLVs 
> which are not documented to be sent that way, that historically were not 
> expected to be received that way, and then we have other implementations that 
> do not expect this new, convenient but rather loose interpretation of the 
> standards. Consider we have documents that explicitly state that a TLV can be 
> sent multiple times, it would be completely normal for someone to then assume 
> that when that isn't stated explicitly that multiple versions of those TLV 
> will not be sent.

> Thus the need for this document -- in some form.

Thank you Chris.
Definitely +1

To clarify, are we talking about:
- different nodes in the flooding domain having a different understanding of 
the LSDB content
- a (LS) protocol relying on all nodes in the flooding domain to have a 
consistent (view of the) LSDB (especially with FlexAlgo for which the number of 
(sub)TLV requiring a consistent view across the flooding domain has increased 
and may further increase)

And a standardization group defining specifications to allow for interop?

Sure, I'd be interested in an implementation report to at least learn about 
such (sub) TLV and those implementations.


> From: Lsr lsr-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:lsr-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Les 
> Ginsberg (ginsberg)

> [LES:] This isn't a new problem for operators. There are many examples of 
> extensions to the protocol which have been introduced which result in a 
> broken network in cases of partial deployment. To list just a few:


>  - Wide metrics

> - Cryptographic authentication

> - Support for extended LSP lifetime (> 1200 seconds)

> The consequences of sending MP-TLVs when not all routers support them are no 
> more severe than the consequences of partial support for any of the above 
> features.

However, it's not because this is not a new problem that this is not a problem. 
We don't need to increase the problems and make things worse.
And it's not because this can be made to work (with extra work), that this 
can't also fails. (and this does fail sometimes)


> From: Lsr lsr-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:lsr-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Les 
> Ginsberg (ginsberg)
> Using the protocol to send what is best described as some subset of a PICS 
> means that we propose to use the IGP flooding mechanism to send static 
> information which the protocol itself cannot (and should not) use in its 
> operation.

I'm not sure that I agree with "cannot (and should not) use in its operation".
If the correct understanding of MP TLV is required for correct operation, such 
information can be used by IS-IS to warn the network operator that IS-IS is not 
correctly working anymore. As of today, an operator may not be even aware of 
the problem.
And a so-called "smart" implementation could even forbid a configuration change 
which would translate into sending a MP TLV not understood by all nodes.

So on my side, I would rather welcome a continued discussion on this topic 
which seems important for network operations.

Thank you,

Orange Restricted
From: Lsr <lsr-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 7:35 PM
To: Tony Li <tony...@tony.li>
Cc: Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org>; Robert Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net>; 
Henk Smit <henk.i...@xs4all.nl>; lsr@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [Lsr] New Version Notification for 

Tony -

We don't agree - but that isn't news.
Let me try to start a meaningful discussion.

Using the protocol to send what is best described as some subset of a PICS 
means that we propose to use the IGP flooding mechanism to send static 
information which the protocol itself cannot (and should not) use in its 
operation. This consumes space, bandwidth, gets periodically refreshed 
unnecessarily, and now a complete copy of the information from every node 
resides on every router in the network when it is only needed by an "NMS". It 
would be hard to come up with a better example of "IGP isn't a dump truck" than 

If there is a belief that we can severely limit the amount of information that 
is sent/node, I'd have to say that I am skeptical. Once we allow this into the 
protocol, I don't see any basis on which to separate what is allowed and what 
is disallowed. It would not be unreasonable for an operator to say that 
everything that is a candidate to be mentioned in a PICS is a legitimate 
candidate for being advertised using this mechanism. Which means the amount of 
information is likely to become very large - especially once it becomes the de 
facto way of providing protocol management information.

The justification seems to be that we don't have anything better - which 
represents a longstanding failure of the management plane. While I agree with 
you that management plane solutions are not adequate - not least because we 
can't get the industry to converge on a single solution - this does not mean we 
should invest in the wrong solution.

We would be better served spending time and effort working on the right 
solution - as difficult as that may be.

If we despair of getting a management plane solution, my suggestion would be to 
use RFC 6823/6822 to define an IS-IS protocol management application that could 
support the advertisement of such information. This is technically 
straightforward to define/implement, easily extensible, and it separates the 
management information from the information used by the protocol.  And because 
a separate topology can be used for the "management instance",  it would be 
possible to reduce the number of copies in the network.



From: Tony Li <tony1ath...@gmail.com<mailto:tony1ath...@gmail.com>> On Behalf 
Of Tony Li
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 9:16 AM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <ginsb...@cisco.com<mailto:ginsb...@cisco.com>>
Cc: Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org<mailto:cho...@chopps.org>>; Robert 
Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net<mailto:rob...@raszuk.net>>; Henk Smit 
Subject: Re: [Lsr] New Version Notification for 

Hi Les,

Folks may well complain that management tools are not as good as they need to 
be, but trying to compensate for this by adding management information into the 
protocol itself isn't a good solution.

It is not a good solution. But it is the only practical solution available. At 
scale, we need automation. We have tried and failed (again) to get broad 
adoption of a management infrastructure. We continue to reject alternative 
approaches. The thought of someone keeping all of this in their heads is simply 

We have already painted ourselves into this corner. There is no good way out.



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