"Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)" <ginsb...@cisco.com> writes:

Tony -

Your summarization is incorrect.

The proposal is to advertise a advisory message that indicates that a node is
ready to receive MP-TLVs. It prohibits nothing.

[LES:] That is what you are proposing - but others in the thread have proposed 
other ideas. For example, in an earlier post Chris stated:

Once we have this info I think a stronger case might be made for actually
having the router capability be used *operationally* (i.e., if you don't see the
capability advertised then that router in fact doesn't send multi-tlv tlvs and
they should be seen as replacements of each other),

What I am trying to highlight is that the existing implementations of MP-TLVs
for the "implicit" cases should not be penalized for sending MP-TLVs that are
encoded consistent with how MP-TLVs for the "explicit" cases have been done.
They are actually doing the right thing.

And I disagree with the word "right" here. They are doing the advantageous thing as long as one has 
the correct routers and software that allows you to advertise more than fits in a single TLV. It certainly 
won't be the "right" thing if a standards conforming implementation out there doesn't expect or 
deal with one of these multi-part "implicit MP-TLV" advertisements.

Are you saying implementations that only handle a single-part TLV are 
non-conforming? To turn your question around, why should they be penalized?


If we are in agreement on that - great!



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