It sounds like you're talking about networks defined to work by SE not by 
standards. I don't want to argue about this, so perhaps we can agree to 

[as wg-member]

"Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)" <> writes:

Chris -

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Hopps <>
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 1:36 PM
To: Peter Psenak (ppsenak) <>
Cc: Christian Hopps <>; Tony Li <>; Les
Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>; Robert Raszuk
<>; Henk Smit <>;
Subject: Re: [Lsr] New Version Notification for draft-pkaneria-lsr-multi-tlv-

Peter Psenak <> writes:

> Chris,
> On 06/10/2022 18:34, Christian Hopps wrote:
>> Peter Psenak <> writes:
>>> Tony, Les,
>>> I believe we can all agree that we do not want to change the behavior of
>>> existing implementations that support MP-TLVs based on the
advertisements of the
>>> MP-capability from other routers - it would break existing networks.
Even the
>>> text in the MP-TLV draft does not suggest that to be the case.
>> Are people not looking at the spreadsheet Tony put together?
>> Which implicit multi-part TLVs are these "existing implementations"
>> advertising that keep getting referred to? Please let's work with real data
>> the spreadsheet shows a grand total of *0* TLVs that could fall in this
>> category.
> then the spreadsheet is incorrect.
> I know of implementation that can send and receive Multi part TLVs for
> (MT) IP Reach, (MT) Extended IS reachability and IS-IS Router CAPABILITY
TLV to
> start with.

Do you know all of the implementations, and all of those that don't? If we
could publish that list then we presumably could explore more simple
solutions. :)

People keep talking about breaking deployed networks, but that assumes
there are functional networks with implicit MP-TLVs in them. I am not sure I
accept the assertion that these networks are truly functional.

AFAICT these networks are *lucky* to be working. There's no document to
point at, there's no bit to look at, there's literally nothing to help an 
or their routers know if all the routers correctly receive and process these
implicit MP-TLVs. These networks are one network change (even as small as
an interface up or down event) away from failing, or may even be failing
already but not yet in a noticeable way. This is the case regardless of what
type of bit or functionality this document provides.

[LES:] I don't agree at all with your characterization.

MP-TLVs (explicit or implicit) are not an extension of the protocol - they are
completely consistent with the base operation of the protocol. I have always
viewed lack of support for MP-TLVs as an implementation limitation - not a gap
in the protocol.
Until relatively recently, there was no need to send MP-TLVs for
neighbors/prefixes and since it is far from trivial to implement MP-TLV support
it is understandable why most(all?) implementations did not include such support
But this does not mean that the protocol itself lacks the support.

Would it have been better if all RFCs were explicit about the possibility of 
MP-TLVs? Sure - but hindsight is always easier than foresight.
And even in those cases where MP-TLV support was explicitly defined, this did
not guarantee that all implementations had that support. Vendors make decisions
based on business as to how they spend their development budget and I think we
are both familiar with decisions to defer support for some aspects of the
protocol until a stronger business case arises.

Regarding existing networks, MP-TLVs are an aspect of scale and feature support.
If your deployment includes many flex-algos or a large number of TE attributes
or other features which add to the information needing to be advertised, then
MP-TLVs are required.
Implementations which do not support MP-TLVs cannot be deployed in such 
environments - and it isn’t because of interoperability issues - it is because 
they do not support the scale/features required.

As my employer has implementations which do support MP-TLVs, I can say that we
do not depend upon luck - but we do depend upon careful planning. We work with
our customers to ensure that the design of the network - including the
capabilities of the routers deployed - is considered.


So while looking for a solution here, I think less weight should be placed on
these "lucky networks". I'm not saying we should intentionally break them,
but they should also not count as "fully-functional" either.

[as wg-member]

> thanks,
> Peter
>> Thanks,
>> Chris.
>>> I find the discussion about advertising supported capabilities for
>>> purposes in IGPs interesting, but not specific, nor directly related to the
>>> MP-TLV draft. Keeping the two separate would make a lot of sense.
>>> my 2c,
>>> Peter
>>> On 05/10/2022 22:18, Tony Li wrote:
>>>> Les,
>>>>> On Oct 5, 2022, at 1:14 PM, Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
>>>>> <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> */[LES:] It is clear that we have different opinions on this – and there
>>>>> multiple folks on both sides of this discussion./*
>>>>> */What I would hope we can agree on is to separate the discussion of
>>>>> advertisement of “feature supported” from the MP-TLV draft by
writing a
>>>>> separate draft on this proposal./*
>>>>> */This would allow the two pieces of work to progress independently
– as they
>>>>> should./*
>>>>> *//*
>>>>> */This makes sense to me since the proposal to advertise feature
support is
>>>>> clearly not limited to MP-TLV and has no bearing on how MP-TLVs are
>>>>> encoded./*
>>>>> *//*
>>>>> */Can we agree on this?/*
>>>> Sorry, I’m not on board with this.  The two functions would end up
>>>> disconnected, all the way to the field.
>>>> T
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