On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 12:29:18PM +1300, John O'Gorman wrote:
> I disagree completely. The documentation is excellent. From step by step 
> setup to troubleshooting.
> Furthermore, when I had troubles (not the fault of documentation but of 
> a Network Interface chipset not supported by the LTSP linux kernel) Jim 
> helped me on the IRC chanel (the 1st time I had ever used such a thing) 
> and got me a working system within half an hour at (for him) some 
> ghastly hour of the night.

That doesn't prove that the documentation is good.  All it proves is that Jim is 
an awesome guy.

> I have the greatest admiration for people like Jim and Ken Yap who 
> labour for the benefit of us all without expectation of reward. It is 
> deeply saddening when they get undeserved brickbats thrown at them.

Followed by an apology, which was kindly accepted.

> I am puzzled why you took an interest in the LTSP in the first place if 
> you did not expect it to provide diskless workstations

I never said that.  In fact, I *knew* that, and that's what attracted me to it.  
LTSP seems like a good way of saving on hardware.  Please don't claim I said 
something I didn't.  It's not nice.

> The documentation is for the nitty-gritty and we don't want effort wasted of 
> prettyprinting, presentation, graphics or other irrevelancies. If you want 
> them, write them yourself and contribute them to the project.

I am an experienced teacher.  I assure you that presentation is far from 
irrelevant.  It is crucial to quality documentation and teaching.

Consider a ridiculous example:  Say all the documentation is in 5pt font or 
written in Swahili.  The fact that all the information is there doesn't help you 
much unless you can get to it.  The ability to get to the information you want is 
a significant part of what makes great documentation.

I also stated that I do actively contribute documentation to OSS projects.  When 
I'm done with OpenOffice I would likely contribute here.

Thank you for your comments.

Best wishes,
Daniel Carrera |   Aleph-0 bottles of beer on the wall, Aleph-0 bottles
PhD student.   |   of beer.  Take one down, pass it around, Aleph-0
Math Dept.     |   bottles of beer on the wall...
UMD.           | http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Aleph-0.html

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