On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 21:42 -0500, Jim Kronebusch wrote:
> > But...
> > 
> > trying to configure the iMac XF86Config should be relatively simple -
> > but even using your XF86Config-4.indigo file, it won't load and always
> > wants to load /tmp/XF86Config.1 which NEVER works
> Well, even though it sounds like you are slowly going bald, this sounds to me 
> like
> excellent progress.  It appears that now your mac is booting just as it 
> should and your
> only problem now is finding an X config file that works.  I think the problem 
> here is
> the messages you are reading on the screen while the mac boots are misleading 
> you.  Jim
> McQuillan explained to me why this is darn near 3 years ago, this is what 
> makes search
> engines awesome.  Here is a snip of the explanation:
> -----------Snip-------------
> Your custom config file goes in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc
> When the client boots, it copies your custom file to /tmp on the client,
> which is a ramdisk, so it's only visible to the client.
> When the copy is made, it's clled 'XF86Config.1', because if you have
> multiple SCREEN_xx lines setup, each one will have it's own config file.
> You can make sure that /tmp/XF86Config.1 is the same as your custom
> file, by setting:
>     SCREEN_01 = startx
>     SCREEN_02 = shell
> Then, once X is up and running, hit Ctrl-Alt-F2, and switch to the text
> screen, and take a look at /tmp/XF86Config.1 using 'more'.
> -----------End Snip---------------------
> For testing X configs I always switched SCREEN_01 = shell.  This way the 
> client will
> boot the a shell, you can quickly run "more /tmp/XF86Config.1" and be sure 
> what is
> present is your custom file.  Then run "startx" manually to see if things 
> work.  If not
> you can tweak the tmp X config and try again.  When it works then make those 
> same
> changes on the server.
> Next question, exactly what vintage/flavor mac are you trying to boot?  The 
> default
> xorg.conf will work perfectly for Bondi iMacs, but not most others.  The 
> custom .indigo
> file works on Indigo iMacs, tangerine, indigo, and blueberry iBooks and I 
> think for a
> very low resolution on Snow iBooks.  Neither file works for other flavor 
> iMacs, iBooks,
> or eMacs.  If you have another type of mac that won't work with either of 
> those files
> your best bet is to find a PPC live CD that boots the machine fine, then 
> steal its
> xorg.conf for tweaking an throw it in 
> /opt/ltsp/ppc/etc/X11/XF86Config-4.yourfile and
> try that.  That is where I found the most success.
> As near as I can tell your settings to call a custom X config and boot setup 
> are now
> working perfectly.  Once you are to that point the biggest problem with macs 
> is finding
> an x config they are happy with.
> Hope this helps you maintain at least a small portion of hair.
I have a working xorg.conf on a 'snow iMac' from fc7
I am trying to use a different 'snow iMac' on ltsp.
So I gather I should cp my working_xorg.conf
to /opt/ltsp/ppc/etc/XF86Config-4.snow and simply set
         XSERVER            = fbdev
         XF86CONFIG_FILE    = XF86Config-4.snow

I will try that in the morning...that's what I interpret your suggestion
to be telling me.

yes, I am able to look at /tmp/XF86Config.1 but it always has (going
from memory now)...

Section "Device"
        Driver          ""

which ain't ever gonna work



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