On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 09:58:01AM -0600, David Burgess wrote:
> If anybody has any more ideas I would love to hear them. This machine
> is pretty much for experimental purposes, so I'm curious to see what I
> might try to get ltsp going on it. Thanks for the pointers, Oli.

i'm curious too!

on debian squeeze you can do cross-architecture armel builds using qemu. i'm
pretty sure ubuntu has something similar, though the details may be a little

install relevent ltsp and qemu packages:

  apt-get install ltsp-server qemu-user-static

figure out what kernel you need:


build your armel ltsp chroot with specified kernel package:

  ltsp-build-client --arch armel --kernel-packages linux-image-$KERNEL_FLAVOR

then all you need to do is figure out how to network boot...

i've tested it last summer using a sheevaplug(network boot), and more recently
using qemu-system-arm(manually specifying kernel and initramfs).

i haven't had access to any real hardware, so haven't really been able to test
much recently.

live well,

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