Dr. Marion Ceruti wrote:

> These terms are in common
> usage. I am not particularly satisfied that this is the best that can be done
> with definitions, but this is what the words mean in American English.

I'm guessing that 99.999%, give or take a few, of the persons who've used
the word "guitar" in the last 100 years have not looked up the word in
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.

> When
> most people think of a lute, they think of a renaissance lute.

When most people think of a lute, they think of an instrument that you hold
crosswise under your lower lip and blow across a hole in the top of the head
joint.  Webster's Collegiate Dictionary may be useful for getting them in
the right neighborhood of meaning, but it's utterly useless for a discussion
among a bunch of people who know more about it than a non-specialist


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