"...and my guess is that these strings may last forever.."
   While no doubt true, and good thing as well, ALL unfingered lute bass
   strings last virtually forever! My Baroque lute student has had the
   original (and unspeakably vile) metal overspun strings on his otherwise
   very fine 13 course lute for at least 10 years now; only his 7th course
   is starting to become tolerable from the occasionally fingered A-flat
   and B-flat. I do my part keeping string builders and merchants afloat
   because of my perceived need for new & improved strings, and/or radical
   re-evaluations of tension/sonority/pitch considerations.
   Thanks to all for answering my little shopping questions- but as they
   are flying off the shelves so fast, I may have to wait awhile; at least
   until Mimmo gets the bugs out of the factory. Can't stand it when I can
   only get some a set to fill out a particular range.
   On 1/9/2017 9:02 AM, Bruno Cognyl-Fournier wrote:

   and my guess is that these strings may last forever..

   2017-01-09 11:56 GMT-05:00 Dan Winheld <[1]dwinh...@lmi.net>:

     Fascinating thread! I am delighted that after over 40 years in the
     lute "business" (even mostly amateur) that good bass strings may be
     emerging as an obtainable, affordable,  predictable, and PRACTICAL
     reality. Mimmo Peruffo is to be congratulated for all his work over
     all these years.
     Now, can anyone tell me if the new basses are now  available in the
     Thank you all-
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   1. mailto:dwinh...@lmi.net
   2. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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