On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Garst R. Reese wrote:
> Allan Rae wrote:
> > Did you try using a custom paper size?  Layout->Paper->PaperSize{custom}
> > and setting the paper height and width by hand.
> Yes, and I just this afternoon tried again with the book.cls from
> teTeX-1.0 without my changes. If I simply set a custom papersize, all
> looks fine on the LyX screen, but half the text is off screen when I
> view postscript.

There is a major problem with lyx handling of custom paper sizes when
exporting to postscript.  In fact, LyX exports to the default paper size!
If I run from the command line "dvips -o out.ps -T5.5in,8.5in out.dvi"
then the exported ps file uses statement paper:  provided you've setup
dvips' config.ps first otherwise you still get your default paper.

I'm looking into this now.  Expect a patch shortly.

> > You should file a bug report.
> Can you suggest a good place to send it to?


Sorry I'm sure of the full name for the tex group on USENET.

Allan. (ARRae)

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