On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Duncan Simpson wrote:
> Actually there is another problem that the patches so far do not fix:
> view ps will crop it to whatever it thinks the paper size actually is
> anyway and this is a gs feature :-) This got me and my print
> queue---gs thought US letter and depidated my A4 documents badly.

Does this happen all the time?  or just for particular classes?
What parameters do you see dvips being called with in the status bar?
What is your \default_papersize set to in lyxrc?

I suspect that this problem may actually be fixed by your setting
\default_papersize "a4" in your lyxrc.  LyX defaults to letterpaper if you
don't set it yourself.  I noticed that when I was using PaperSize{Default}
I was getting letter documents instead of the expected a4.

> The fix is to add -sPAPERSIZE= to the invocation of gs. Unfortunately
> the man page seems to indicate it only works for paper sizes set in
> gs_statd.ps (5.5" x 8.5" is one of the sizes, if that helps).

In all cases now dvips should be run with the correct papersize so there
should be a papersize specified in the ps file.  For some classes like
IEEEtran when viewed with gv (as opposed to ghostview which I don't have
installed) you get a bounding box instead of a papersize because of the
way the class is setup.

Allan. (ARRae)

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